Always a pleasure to share a few lines with one of my first buddies.
More important than the fact that you can't find any type of foundation and that's because there is none, how the heck have you and Pura been doing. I would expect that the knee is continuing to progress nicely, and the hand is still on the mend, hopefully 50% back by now.
Here's the story with keeping the garage secured to the ground and not blowing away during the next nor'easters. The area where the garage will sit was excavated last year. After removing much of the topsoil and getting down to hard pan I put down 15 yards of crusherrun. Crusher run a mix of crushed stone and sand. It's used as a base before paving a driveway. When the shit sits for a month or so it gets hard, a lot harder than I get these days.😁
When we put down the plates, I drilled 1/2-inch holes in the womanized lumber every 2 feet. The holes were drilled at an angle opposite of each other. The next step was to pound 1/2-in rebar into the ground. We started with 6-foot lengths and with most of them we were able to get them flush with the plates. The ones that hit something and you realized the re-bar wasn't going down any more we just cut off the excess with a saws all.
I don't think the garage is going anywhere unless some nut job decides to push the button down. It was a good thing our son was around for this part of the job. We turned it into a game. I'd do one, pounding away with a 16-pound sledge until I thought my arms were going to fall off. He'd go next, pounding away at the adjacent steak. The guy who got his steak down as far as it would go with fewer breaks would do the boasting. I held my own, but the old arms weren't the same for a few days.
A lengthy explanation but why not give you the details to a great question.
Later buddy, say hi to your bride.
Never even considered it. Great idea. Drilling the holes at angles.. another one. Gives me a whole new direction for the garage I'll build in the back. Storage garage mostly.
And some T-8 lights.... = }
They're never too lengthy sir!
If you are planning on building a garage you must be feeling pretty good.
Securing the plates for the garage in that fashion is how I secured the garage for Robin's car. It worked out so well that I figured I'd use that system again.
Doing it that way also saved me a considerable amount of money.
Enjoy your day!
You've been through it already so you're probably as impressed as I am with these fake knees. Got nothing but positive things to say.
Man, I've been one-handing everything for over a year now. Crazy. A lot to overcome. Can hardly write a return address, pencils and brushes haven't moved.
Much love you guys. Sure do appreciate your concern. Give our love to the farm.