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RE: Something I Don't Go Around Telling Just Anyone

in Silver Bloggers4 years ago

The moves you have made so far seem to be working great. Being happy and having a partner that is truly a soulmate is working out in spades for both of us. I only hope that our better halves feel the same way! 😁
Great advice from Grandma, those words ring of so much truth.

Talking about grandparents,
I got two special pieces of artwork from my brother when he visited two weekends ago.
My Grandfather, my mom's father, who I never had the pleasure of meeting, passed away when my mom was only 16. He did two wood carvings. They had hung in my parent's home for as long as I can remember. When both of my parents passed, the carvings were tucked away in the attic.
I asked my brother if I could get one of them and to my surprise, he gave me both of them when he visited.
On the one carving, you can see where he signed and dated the piece.

William Barnaman

I've admired these works for a long time and I can now enjoy their beauty every day as they remind me of happy days long gone.
Have a splendid weekend my friend.

 4 years ago  


And thanks for the heads up. I've responded to myself I don't know how many times like doh!! The worst is upvoting myself, I've done that twice!! Both times like 'oh you gotta be kidding me....'

Been there also, have you ever downvoted yourself to even it out?
Yo man, just trying to sneak in a few minutes on #hive before duty calls. I'll get back to you with a few pictures, promise!

 4 years ago  

Take your time. I knew if you would've you could've. Looking forward to seeing them.

Have a great day Sweed. Yes, I downvoted myself both times and, between me and you, I didn't feel any less dirty.