Very helpful tips and people can't expect to gain much when starting.. but sometimes you get lucky when you keep posting quality content with the right tags and have been building your following up.
We all have experienced only getting a few cents for a while, I took time to be engaging on many posts a day early on showing my support and enjoyment in posts (back many years ago) and eventually.. I started getting voted more and higher amounts, I kept engaging and giving that quality comments back as a thanks to the community.
I have reblogged to help more newcomers hopefully see and learn some tips, while expecting it starts out slow at first!
I will edit the post as I should have emphasized the value of engagement, that's the only way to connect with like-minded people and see some growth in all aspects. I love it when there's a lot of interaction on my blogs, getting a high vote on some blogs is kind of a bonus!
Happy blogging!Thank you for reblogging @thegoliath, hopefully it helps some newcomers!
You're welcome and always keep up the great work.
I think everyone loves when people engage on their posts, means more people are enjoying it even more!
Have a great day, afternoon or night.
Morning here in Australia