[ENG/ESP] Memoir Monday #41/ My greatest weakness

in Silver Bloggers7 days ago

Hello to all members of the @silverbloggers community.

I find myself in this community again, to participate in the initiative proposed by @ericvancewalton and for which I am very grateful because it is an exercise in personal self-knowledge and human improvement.

Today's topic is very suggestive and invites us to reflect on our greatest weakness. I must say that, since I learned about this week's topic, I have been turning it over in my head because I have more than one weakness that has marked me in my life and, no matter how much I have worked on them, I have not been able to completely improve.

Although it is not a publication to discuss weaknesses, it is necessary to say that these are aspects or characteristics of a person that limit their ability to achieve goals and face challenges.

Another important element that I must point out is that there are several types of skills and that, within them, are personal and emotional skills. There are more, but I will refer to these two because, if I combine them, they will give me the greatest weakness that I consider myself to have.

Trying to please everyone is one of the weaknesses that has accompanied me throughout my life and, when leading or leading a group of people, this is impossible.

On some occasions I have had to select a colleague to give him an award for outstanding work and, for this, I have more than one who deserve it. This has been quite complicated for me because by selecting someone I hurt the others.

Also, I must say that I have looked for palliative solutions by recognizing these people in a different way, trying to make them not feel so bad and trying to please them all.

My greatest weakness

I think that my greatest weakness is related to elements of my personality that have to do with not knowing how to manage some emotions such as frustration or shyness and the lack of confidence that I have in myself.

I have always been afraid of failure and, I recognize that this is part of the process of what we call life. But, when I can't achieve a goal or things don't go as I imagine, I get frustrated and fall into a depressive state that hurts me a lot.

Those who know me do not share the idea that I am a shy person or that I do not trust myself.

Perhaps, this serious nature of that impression, but, perhaps it is the way I have found to avoid my shyness.

On the other hand, many times I have stopped undertaking a project because I consider, before starting, that I am going to fail. Many times I belittle the weapons I have to carry out a certain plan or develop an ideal because I consider that this will not lead to a happy ending.

A final comment

Knowing my weaknesses allows me to set limits for myself, although, many times, this limits our capacity for development and our possibilities.

I must say that, on occasions, I have worked and managed to turn these weaknesses into potentialities, which has allowed me to overcome barriers and achieve achievements that I never thought I could achieve.

Note: I have used Google translator.

The photos used are my property, taken with my Samsung J2 phone.


Hola a todos los miembros de la comunidad @silverbloggers.

De nuevo me encuentro en esta comunidad, para participar en la iniciativa propuesta por @ericvancewalton y que mucho agradezco porque es un ejercicio de autoconocimiento personal y mejoramiento humano.

El tema de hoy es muy sugerente y nos invita a reflexionar sobre nuestra mayor debilidad. Debo decir que, desde que supe del tema de esta semana, le fui dando vuelta en mi cabeza porque tengo más de una debilidad que me han marcado en mi vida y, por más que he trabajado en ellas, no he podido mejorar del todo.

Aunque no es una publicación para disertar sobre las debilidades, es necesario decir que estas son aspectos o características de una persona que limitan su capacidad para alcanzar objetivos y enfrentar desafíos.

Otro elemento importante que debo apuntar es que existen varios tipos de habilidades y que, dentro de ellas, están las habilidades personales y las emocionales. Hay más, pero, me referiré a estas dos porque, si las conjugo, me darán la mayor debilidad que considero tener.

Intentar complacer a todos es una de las debilidades que me ha acompañado durante toda mi vida y, cuando se dirige o se está al frente de un grupo de personas, esto es imposible.

En algunas ocasiones he tenido que seleccionar a un compañero para entregarle algún premio como destacado de su trabajo y, para ello, tengo más de uno que lo merecen. Esto me ha resultado bastante complicado porque al seleccionar a alguno lastimo a los otros.

También, debo decir que he buscado soluciones paliativas al reconocer de otra manera a esas personas, tratar que no se sientan tan mal e intentar complacerlos a todos.

Mi mayor debilidad

Creo que mi mayor debilidad está relacionada con elementos de mi personalidad que tienen que ver con no saber manejar algunas emociones como la frustración o la timidez y la falta de confianza que me tengo.

Desde siempre le he tenido miedo al fracaso y, reconozco que este forma parte del proceso de eso que llamamos vida. Pero, cuando no logro alcanzar un objetivo o las cosas no salen como las imagino, me frustro y caigo en un estado depresivo que me hace mucho daño.

Los que me conocen no comparten la idea de que sea una persona tímida o que diga que no me tenga confianza.

Quizás, este carácter serio de esa impresión, pero, tal vez sea la manera que haya encontrado para esquivar mi timidez.

Por otra parte, muchas veces he dejado de emprender un proyecto porque considero, antes de empezar, que voy a fracasar. Muchas veces menosprecio las armas que tengo para realizar determinado plan o desarrollar un ideal porque considero que esto no llegará al final feliz.

Un comentario final

El saber mis debilidades me permite trazarme límites, aunque, muchas veces, esto limita nuestra capacidad de desarrollo y nuestras posibilidades.

Debo decir que, en ocasiones, he trabajado y he logrado convertir estas debilidades en potencialidades, lo que me ha permitido superar barreras y alcanzar logros que jamás pensé podía alcanzar.

Nota: He utilizado el traductor de Google.

Las fotos utilizadas son de mi propiedad, tiradas con mi teléfono Samsung J2.


Learning to turn those weaknesses into strengths is necessary. The first thing is to recognize that we have them, and that is already a step forward. No one would say that you are shy.

Aprender a convertir esas debilidades en fortalezas es necesario, el primer aspecto, reconocer que las tenemos, ya ese es un avance. Nadie diría que eres tímido.

Saludos cordiales.

My friends say that I am not shy, but, in me I feel shy when it comes to doing some things.
It is something I have learned to improve, but, it has limited me from many things. That fear of saying, proposing has prevented me from achieving some things.
Thank you very much for reading and commenting.
Happy week.
Cheers and greetings.

Dicen mis amistades que no soy tímido, pero, en mi yo siento timidez a la hora de hacer algunas cosas.
Es algo que he aprendido a mejorar, pero, me ha limitado de muchas cosas. Ese miedo a decir, proponer me impidió alcanzar algunas cosas.
Muchas gracias por leer y comentar.
Feliz semana.
Salud y saludos.

Sí, es cierto, la timidez limita, qué bueno que has podido vencerla.

Trying to please everyone is one of the weaknesses that has accompanied me throughout my life

I used to be like that, but realised you can't please everyone.

That's right.
Sometimes you even make yourself look bad trying to please everyone. Happy day. Cheers and greetings.

Yes very true.
Have a great day