I was just having a conversation with my Mom yesterday... I was trying to explain to her, the concept of our Blockchain... All the things we do... All my Discords (she thinks I am crazy too, by the way) and the mindset of "Come for the Crypto... Stay for the Community." She's 78... no smart phone, no PC... She had a landline phone in her old home. But I was explaining how so very hard it is, to try and convey emotions while typing on a keyboard, or tapping on a phone screen. I was teasing her with my silly voices... shouting that hashtag, #wordsarehard and a song came to mind...
Many of you might know this song... Regardless... take a moment to hit play... close your eyes... Let the music, and yes... WordsThe Terminal Discord... But he also shares his "words"... I agree with his energy here...
J'espère que vous savez à quel point vous êtes aimé, apprécié et respecté. Même si cela ne semble pas être le cas... Passez une bonne journée Soul Brother...
, flow through you. @mondoshawan always shares such wonderful music with us at
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a chopper is a type of motorcycles