One problem with the strategy of "listening to both sides" is that both sides of popular political narratives are oppositional.
To break out of the political narrative, one must realize that the left/right split is an artificial construct.
You might remember the original Fox News format. Bill O'Reilly presented himself as the fair and balanced center. His show was followed by Hannity and Colmbes with Hannity presenting the right and Colmbes the left.
The narrative was completely contrived.
To make my argument simpler.
Just look at your hand. Your hand has a thumb set in opposition to four fingers.
The use of oppositional force lets you manipulate things.
The news bombards people with this oppositional narratives.
By creating false narratives, the political class is able to divide and control people.
All three positions of a false narrative are false. The radical left is false. The reactionary right is false.
Above all the dialectical center is false! To break the echo chamber one question all positions including the center.