Memoir Monday 46/ What Makes You Sad

in Silver Bloggers2 months ago


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Another great idea from our friend @ericvancewalton, for another great community like C/Silver Bloggers. This time the theme of it is about what or which things make us feel sad.

Sadness is the opposite of joy, it's like something you'd like to avoid sadness, but it's kind of inevitable too, it's like one needs the other.

And not just one thing makes me feel sad, but several, from a personal point of view, as a citizen, that in addition to sadness are accompanied by an indignation, such as seeing so many animals, mainly dogs and cats in a situation of abandonment, wandering the streets, which are mistreated by those who expect a hug, a love and do not forget that they are man's best friend, is the first one that welcomes you happy when you get home. In my family, the dogs we have always had, have not been just a pet, they have also been a member of the family.


Farewells are something that also fills me with sadness, whether it is a goodbye forever to the one who leaves this life to another plane and marks us for the rest of our lives, but when they did not give us the opportunity to say goodbye, they left so suddenly or tragically, it hurts even more.

Also to say goodbye to that family, or friends, that as a result of the country situation, have led to emigrate to other countries, seeking better living conditions, leaving sadness in the family that remains, with the hope of a return, of my family there have been few who have emigrated, that come the day of departure we can not help but cry. So also with the friends who were more than that. We can only wish them well in their decision, we are waiting for them to welcome them back.



The lack of empathy in society, against their fellow men, who do not care about going over the heads of whoever they are, not respecting age, conditions, the abuses against those who cannot defend themselves because they have nothing to defend themselves with, they should not forget that there is one day after another.


It would be wonderful if everything that causes sadness would disappear: such as diseases, wars, famine, evil.

I invite @nayita238 @anymari @sacra97

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Uses: 10/14


$PIZZA slices delivered:
(3/15) @sacra97 tipped @zhanavic69

True the lack of emphathy hits real in today's time.. It was the lack.of it that made life kore difficult to live in.

I agree with you! The world would be a better place if people were aware of the other, if they saw that every human being deserves respect, and that if it is our turn to support, then we should do it. Greetings

And for that to happen, the world would have to be created anew heh heh, but something can be done, there is no worse fight than the one that is not fought.

Thank You