How did I get my first job. Memoir Monday #24.

in Silver Bloggers2 months ago (edited)

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My first memoir!!! 😊


I remember the introduction post to #MemoirMonday by @ericvancewalton. It was in March this year. And look at me. This is my first entry, so if you need an example of what the slowpoke means here I am.

I missed a lot of great topics, each worth a small essay. The latest one was announced just today, but better later, yeah?

So, today I gonna stick to call #24 - How did you get your first job?

Back Story

Before I dive deep into my memories, let me give you some context. I was born in the USSR. While I was studying at the university, the collapse of the USSR occurred. Ukraine declared independence along with other countries. The life of a whole county started from scratch. We lost all our savings in bank's accounts (that were all in Moscow) and in cash coz ... the young country didn't have its own currency yet. Those years were very harsh but I was young! So very young that I saw all life circumstances through rose-colored glasses.

Until I got married and gave birth to a child. I was so excited to jump into adult life...

It happened in the last two years of study. The most important ones. I must confess that I am from those with excellent student syndrome. I was among the best in school and graduated from the university with honors. Until recently, I considered this a good character trait and only recently realized that it is actually the result of a childhood trauma. That was a fun discovery.

Anyway. When I became a very young mother, I was left with no money. If I had had a job at the time, I could have received child support payments. However since I was a student, I could only claim the minimum social assistance. The monthly payment of this money was enough to buy milk for the baby for one week. My hubby was also a student.

Searches Of A Job

When I finally graduated, I started the search for a job. First, I searched for a job in the IT industry according to my qualifications. All to no avail.

The Internet was in its infancy. Plus all the mess of the formation of the country. All hope was in my parents' acquaintances and connections. My mom had an acquaintance whose mother was a chief of IT Department in a big enterprise. And she even said she would hire me ... as soon as they will get a vacancy. Most likely. A vacancy was to be created, and we were waiting and hoping...

In the meantime, my baby needed food every day. For her, I was ready to sell ice cream on the street. I mean it.

At that time, there was a daily newspaper whole dedicated to advertisements. One day, I found an advert saying that a company was looking for a salesperson for a grocery market. A meeting with the customer was scheduled for candidates in a cafe. It was quite suspicious (cafe?), but I decided to go anyway. Long story short, I with my diploma with honors in math passed to the next round.😅 But the next interview was with a business owner who did not hide his surprise at my candidacy. At that time, I didn't know the word "overqualified". He said he couldn't hire me as a salesperson, but perhaps I could work as a manager. I was given a few days to make a decision.

I badly needed a job but my daughter was still too young for kindergarten, and neither of us could even think about the services of a nanny. And I don't know where would I end up if it isn't His Grace.

The Accident

A friend of my mother's colleague died suddenly. She died of anaphylactic shock due to an allergy to a wasp sting. It was in the beginning of September. The woman died on the way to the hospital. She left two minor daughters and a husband. Such a tragedy for the family.

But. She worked as a Software Engineer at the regional medical institution. The one of her kind, I mean she was the only IT person there. That's how the vacancy came about. They had an urgent need and so did I. We found each other. In the end, both parties were very happy.


In my first job, I didn't use much of what I was taught during 5 years in the university. Almost nothing of it. The IT industry was developing rapidly. On the other hand, the computer was a black box for my new colleagues. No one knew what my predecessor had done or how she had done it. They showed me the documents she had printed out, and that was it. I had to use deduction, LOL. So on one of my first days, I overwrote the database of one department with another (oops, they looked the same).

And that's how I made another useful acquaintance. This man gave me some practical knowledge and a little bit of self-belief, but most importantly, he gave me a big thick book on programming language, my first bible which I studied from beginning to end with excitement. I enjoyed it, and it helped me to get those long-awaited and promised job in a big enterprise where the mother of my mom's acquaintance was a chief of the IT department. We are still friends, my mom's acquaintance and I. 🙂

Again it brings me back to February 2024 when Russia openly attacked my country. In the first days and weeks, everything I posted on Hive I wrote with the thought that it would remain for my descendants as a reminder of what I experienced in the last days of my life. I guess this is why I like Eric's idea of writing our own blockchain-based memoir for future generations to read. This is a brilliant idea, but I like the proposed topics even more! This is where I see the Master Hand - a true Writer!

Come and join the fun 😉

The End



Thanks for stopping by!



Як знайомо.
Тепер лишається згадувати, той період розпаду і становлення нашої країни, правда з сумом, т.я. теж ощадна книжка залишилась на руках, а грошей нема :-(, та і інші моменти...
Якраз в той період навчався в університеті та ще встиг дістати стипендію в трьох валютах ;-)
І так, з роботою в IT сфері було проблематично.
Щодо вашого випадку влаштування на роботу, як тут не повірити в долю або ангелів, або, що зійшлися зірки, як хочете так і називайте. Думаю, можна багато таких випадковостей найти ;-)

Думаю, можна багато таких випадковостей найти ;-)

Так, і я обожнюю такі "знаки долі" ))

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I'm so excited you've joined us, welcome! First of all, I had no idea that your bank accounts were wiped out when the USSR dissolved. This is something they never taught us in school or on the news in America. That must've been an unbelievable challenge, especially for the very old and young families just beginning.

It's interesting how you got this first position. Your description of it brought me back to my corporate job the mid-1990s. I was working for an old insurance company and their tech was a decade behind! I came into the company with just a little computer knowledge and was able to carve out a pretty good niche for myself there.

I've enjoyed learning more about your past. Thank you for your contribution to Memoir Monday!

First of all, I had no idea that your bank accounts were wiped out when the USSR dissolved.

Yeap. My hubby's family had savings enough to buy 2 cars. 2 cars in the USSR!!! They were moneyed! Although, it was a great challenge to spend the money coz everything was in short supply and even having money you had to wait for months until you could buy whatever. So, after the collapse, they lost all the funds that were on deposit. Back then, they called it 15 Republics but in fact all keys were in Moscow and only there. For almost a year, we received goods and food in exchange for coupons issued at the enterprise or at the educational institution. I don't know how my parents managed to support 2 children. Inflation was rampant. There was one or two months when my scholarship was more than my father's salary! )))

Your description of it brought me back to my corporate job the mid-1990s.

Corporate job! I like to work in corporates as they have space to fully use your skills (and develop new ones!)

I've enjoyed learning more about your past. Thank you for your contribution to Memoir Monday!

I really enjoy your meaningful topics. I hope to join regularly, from now on :)

Thank you so much for this initiative!

@tipu curate 5


Your first job was loaded with polarized energies, some for and some against for the unlucky ones, but in the end it benefited you in every way.

What a bad experience to be in an emerging country or at war, I think your memories should be very interesting for your descendants, just look at all you went through to find your first job.

I am glad to know that you are better off today than yesterday. @zirochka

Thank you @soyunasantacruz. When someone say about my descendants I home that they (descendants) will make a better memoirs than me.

I am enjoying your journey, long may it continue x

Thanks, dear @grindle!

you're welcome x

Learning more about you every day...

😬 😊 😇