Blonde peacock

Hello, my friends.

I haven't written anything about our feathered friends, about birds, for a long time.
I thought that in the spring I would have stories about gulls, but for some reason this year they were not enough in our valley. Usually at night at this time there is a very strong noise from the floodplain of the river, and this year only the nightingale is heard at night, even the croaking of frogs is not heard in the evenings. Maybe this is due to the fact that this year the spring flood ended early and the water rolled into the riverbed. And the birds probably foresaw this and did not build their nests in this place.
One way or another, but the gulls somewhere this year flew away from their usual nesting place.

Yesterday, my daughter was walking with her friends and looked into a small zoo corner, or rather, in a small poultry house. Have you ever seen a white peacock?
I didn't see. I'd say it's an albino peacock.


Or maybe I'm wrong? Maybe white peacocks are not uncommon in nature at all. Or maybe it's a special breed that was bred artificially. This question interested me and I asked Google. It turned out that Google could not answer this question unequivocally.
On the one hand, "The White peacock is a mutation of the common peacock. The white peacock is not a separate species or subspecies."
And on the other hand - "The White peacock is an amazing bird, bred in artificial conditions and which is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful representatives of the family of these birds. They are actively bred both for private nature reserves and for a variety of wildlife representatives."

I'm inclined to the second version. But, most likely, there are natural blonde peacocks, and there are "painted" under the blonde.

What do you think about this, beekeepers?


Thanks for reading...

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Good luck and have fun


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Nice post !
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красавец то какой!!!!! прынц!

а может ПРЫНЦЕССА?

o! эта мысль мне в голову не пришла. а ведь верно - уже и подвенечное белое платьице промыслила....