Tak jsem musel zůstat v Praze a včera byl krásný slunečný den. To nepotěší. Šel jsem alespoň s foťákem na procházku a nic si od toho nesliboval, snad kromě pár motýlů. Všude v parcích a kolem Vltavy se hemžili stovky lidí a psů. Ale usmálo se na mě štěstí. Na levém břehu pod Trojským zdymadlem kde bydlí bobři a chodí jen málo lidí, postával u břehu na kameni Vodouš šedý. Dokonce mě nechal přiblížit na slušnou fotku. Při odletu jsem ovšem nestihl zaostřit a na políčku jsem z něj měl jen kus, ale i tak mám z té série jednu docela dobrou letovku. Je vidět, že je tah v plném proudu.
So I had to stay in Prague and yesterday was a beautiful sunny day. It was not please. At least I went for a walk with the camera and didn't promise anything about it, except maybe a few butterflies. Hundreds of people and dogs crowded everywhere in the parks and around the Vltava. But luck smiled on me. On the left bank below the Troja lock, where beavers live and few people walk, the common greenshank stood on a stone by the shore. It even let me zoom in on a decent photo. However, I didn't have time to focus on departure and I only had a piece of it on the field, but I still have one pretty good photo in flight from the series. It can be seen that the migration is in full swing.
23.4.2022 Prague, Czech republic
I love the moment when I see the first butterflies in the year :)
(1/1) gave you LUV.
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beautiful bird, amazing i like birds like this
Wow. he poses so manly, and picture number two is absolutely stunning. you shoot pretty fast. extraordinary.