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From his lofty perch the magnificent bird of prey gazes down on the world
His gaze is piercing - cutting directly to the heart
The grip of his talons - so fatal to small creatures - seems to caress the branch
Effortlessly perched on a tree top towering above the earth
The Black Shouldered Kite is motionless
In time. In flight. In effort

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The wind shakes in fury against the lofty perch
The beautiful raptor remains unflustered
He fluffs his feathers as if to shake off the wind then carelessly stretches his wings
And launches onto the air currents

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Circling once overhead the Black Shouldered Kite lands to resume his watch
Like a dancer perfectly finishing his dance

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How beautiful you are great bird of prey
How regal in your watch
How comforting in your strength
Like a king
And yet you crown our home
The Black Shouldered Kite quietly but ferociously guards his home
And ours

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What a beautiful bird and look at the power of his talons. I have never seen this kite before so thank you for sharing.
I just bought a new camera and will be looking for feathered friends pictures, not so sure I will catch many birds of prey near me, but you never know!