Ok, Okay, here I am! slurred Calli Cockatieli as she straightened up her stance and stuck her Crest out as far as her feathers would go.
I know I'm a pretty bird, a pretty bird, a pretty bird...but I also know I've drunk too much, drunk to much, drunk too much, so please hurry up @BrittandJosie, I really don't know how much longer I can stand up! sang and burped the slushie birdy as @brittandjosie slowly carved her beautiful figure out of fresh Sandalwood.
Soon, now Calli and I'll almost be doneand then you can relax and have another Tieli Tonic ok....soothed @brittandjosie
Oh but @brittandjosie, I'm sooo thirsty now!
Well you're just going to have to wait a few more minutes aren't you Callie @brittandjosie replied with frustration in her voice.
I'm slipping, I'm sleepy, I'm THIRSTY!! Screamed Calli as her head dipped dangerously forward.
Two more minute Calli, just 2 more minutes Ok. OKAY Callie? Said @brittandjosie as she looked down to her carving.
Nope. NOPE that's it. I AM done! said Calli as she fell forward into her Tieli Tonic Cockatail.
If you want to actually pay me more than Cockateiltailes, then I might be a better model! she scoffed as she took a large gulp.
Hey Sweetheart, sweetheart, what you doin laters she slurred to the wooden statue beside her...
Hahaha! Calli Cockatieli! That's why she is leaning!😂 Thanks for writing a great story!
Oh she doesn't think she leaning! She thinks she standing up completely straight and sober...but we know better...🤣
tokens.hahaha good one cockatiel cocktail
Yes, I remember those days too..the 20's and 30's....let's call them very fun shall we say....🤣😂😅😆😁
@chocolatescorpi I love that I am part of the conversation that never happened in all these weeks and I thank you for it. I love the idea of carving and posing
And you love that you're birdy is a slushie birdy...Drinking all of your booze to when your backs are turned!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Good one! Ha ha. I must search the internet where I can order those Cockateiltailes. The birds at our backyard, especially those crows, may just take to it and agree to pose for me so I can post it to the Feather Friends Community :)
There are actually a lot of birds and animals in geenral in nature that do get rolling drunk from eating, rotting fruit that ferments as it rots- which makes them drunk, so you shouldn't have to search too far.
It might be harder to find one that will actually model for the price of a drink though.... 🤣🤣🤣🤣
They can be a bit more demanding that that and want more pay!
So now we have an inebriated bird here hahaha.
And of course, when drunk, everything looks beautiful 🤣
Some nice wordplay here! @brittandjosie certainly knows how to add a kick to her Cockateiltailes lol.
Thank you, I think it maybe reminded me of me in my younger days....sort of.....🤣😂😅
But factually, birds do- as most animals do, get drunk and even seek out the source of the fermenting fruit to get drunk again, so not much different to humans going back to the same bar to have a 'hair of the dog'...
Hahaha, I know exactly what you mean about fermented fruit and if ever you want to watch much fun, you have to see a troop of monkeys eating under a "Maroela" tree.
The fruits have a high alcohol content and soon the monkeys start falling around laughing, slapping each other and having a fun party lol.