A Day at the Pond

in Feathered Friends3 years ago

Today I'm at the Duckpond looking to see the ducks here this year. Hello Everyone! and Welcome to Todays @featheredfriends Post =)


The first thing I noticed was the lighting was poop, the sun is right in my face for all the good angles for shots of the pond, I really need to shoot this location at around 4-5 pm insted of 11 am


I started off with the ducklings...
The two above are Wood Ducks, they have become year round fixtures here and they seem to have most/all of the little ones here at the pond.

As I said the lighting here isn't good and most of the ducks are in various bushes and out of sight or napping on the Island.
I did run into this interesting group of Ducks all sporting ....... Er... Duckfros


There is the little Fro


The sleek but larger fro


Wow this one is like a big ol Double Duckfros lol


I named him Donald <,<


I'm fairly sure these are Tuffed Mallards and I don't remember seeing these here before but a lot of the ducks here don't live here year round.


I've taken a fair amount of images here but most are blownout highlights with neer black shaddows so I've decided to move to a new location and try for some other birds.
I've recently began settig up feeders and in the process of making a birdbath to set up a little photo area.....
I'll post on that soon...

Breaking News !!
We interupt your regularly schedualed post to bring you this Exclusive Special Feathered Friends Report !
Authorities apprehend local Crime Boss in garbage can sting opperation.


Today authorities apprehended Chip"Three Toe"Swift the reported leader of the Bushy Tail Crime Syndicate.
Swift has been wanteted for some time by authorities for his roll in the gangs crime spree involing aprox 30 bird feeders over 27 yards in 3 seperate neighboorhoods.


After a brief but intence standoff authorities managed to talk Swift off the fencepost where he peacefully surrendered without further incident......


Seen here moments before being taken into custody wile vowing innocence and telling authorities that "When my lawyer gets done with you I'll be using those badges to scratch my furry little (CENSORED)" !!!
This has been a Feathered Friends Report !!
We now return you to your regularly scheduald post.

Hello everyone it's been a bit since I posted so I'm a bit..... er lot rusty and I can't type for @#$% today but I'll smooth out over the next few posts as I find my post templates update my banners,tags etc.

It's nice to be back =) Alot has changed over the last couple years but I'm glad to see the gang here @featheredfriends is going strong as ever.

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All images original, by me.
All Rights Reserved.
Chromium AutographOnline Signature Maker


I quite like those duckfros....LOL... that's a fun name.

Ah.... another use for badges ! Who knew?? 😄

@tipu curate

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Good Luck =)Hello @hivebuzz of course I'll vote for your propasal..... and done.

Thank you for your support @chromiumone, much appreciated!

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Nice breaking news lol!

I like the little criminal at the end, very mischievous.

You're back! An with the most wonderful post. I missed it so left a little tip instead. I'll be looking for your blogs. Hope you are well.

I am doing well thank you.
How goes it with you ? I've got several posts to kick out, just need to write them out lol.
I need a ghose writer or at least someone to type and edit for me =)Hello @agmoore !

All well here, thank you! Holding on 😄 Still kicking.