Chromium's Backyard Bird Project #2

in Feathered Friends3 years ago (edited)

Hello Everyone and Welcome to the Backyard O.o

This post covers the first 2 weeks of my endeavors to create kinda a natural bird photography studio right in my own backyard =)
I got more than that, I got a full on wildlife and insect studio in my own backyard lolThis is the second episode in my backyard Birds Series only here on @featheredfriends !

Show Me A Photo Contest Round #76
First off I want to start with my entree for @nelinoeva 's #SMaP


3 Juvinile Sparrows that have just learned to fly but haven't quite got the hang of feeding thenselves yet, begging Mom to to grab some suet from the feeder and suff it into their mouths.
The one one the lower right wont even move over to her like the others it just sits there and squaks for her to hop over and feed it lol

The last 2 weeks have been a bit of an adventure in settig up the bird studio seems like the only birds I'm getting are Sparrows, lots of Sparrows and the seem to be eating a lot though ....<,<

First off we have the Sparrow family


This series of images is the whole sequince I capured of the little birds begging for food at the feeder, wanting Mom to come get it and put it into their mouths.
The first young one shows up and fluffs up wile slightly spreading it's wings and making a certain squaking ( feed me feed me)


It keeps nthis up for a bit and soon Mom flies in


Mom starts pulling suet from the feeder and putting it into the kids mouth rather than the little one just reching over and eating it.
Mom showed the kids the feeder the first 10 min it was up but they still haven't gotten the hang of feeding thenselves.



Mom continued to feed this one for several minutes untill the rest of the hungry brood winged in and started squaking away




Here you can see the other two in her little family moving in for lunch.Mom has moved to the right side and started giving the other two a turn.



Lastly Mom has finished but the little ones are still begging for more with the one still on the branch it started from insisting Mom come over to it and pick up the food that is a inch and a half away and out it in its mouth.
These were the only shots I have of this as Mom weaned them from this over the next couple days.

Meanwile my Hummingbird feeder remains untouched for the second week as they mock me from the Apple and Cherry trees across the yard.


We have sampled your broth and found it lacking O.o

Errr.. remember when I said the Sparrows seemed to be eating a lot ??


They weren't eating so much as I thought....
Que Mission Impossable Theam



Ladies and gentlemaen the Fox Squirrel



I'm Batman.....


These little guys are super smart and can pretty much go anywhere. The only thing stopping them from taking over is the lack of a opposing thumb and maybe a slightly larger brain.


Seems I have a Squirrel family up in the redwood tree that's behind tha plum tree there.
Three little Squirles as a matter of fact Mom Dad and a little Baby Squirrel

That's all for now, next post will cover week three, this last week when the magic started so be sure to tune in next time in the meantime....

Buzz on over to the #featheredfriends community and join @melinda010100 @nelinoeva @barbara-orenya and the rest of the gang at #featheredfrinds for all your feathered odds and ends.

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Unless otherwise noted:
All images original, by me.
All Rights Reserved.
Chromium AutographOnline Signature Maker


Oh, these babies. Sometimes I feel sorry for their parents feeding them non-stop until they learn.
I am looking forward to seeing your next post, but till then, please don't forget to add the link in the comment section of the contest post.

Wonderful shots! Especially the grey squirrel. For some reason the animals won't stand still for me😆

We have sampled your broth and found it lacking O.o