Much more to come I still need to go through 100's of images from the last few days....I also put in a solar burbler fountain for the feathered ones a couple days ago and more new visirors to the yard as well.
I usually have to pair down my image count lol I'm like I can't just shove 40 images in this post.... or can I...Ahhh shucks @melinda010100 your going to make me blush =)
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I, for one, would not get tired of looking at your photos! Post away.
Read up on that red purchased nectar.
The mix that closely matches natural nectar is a 4 to 1 ratio of water to plain granulated sugar. That means 4 cups of water to every one cup of sugar. There is no benefit to using dyes in nectar, and there is every reason not to do so.
Yeah I usualy make my own Hummingbird juice without dye. I was almost out of sugar so I picked up the store bought stuff when I bought the feeder.
Plus it's way cheeper to make your own.
Oh I also try and use bottled or distilled water insted of tap water, no Chlorine,Chloramines( if you have a fish tank beware), or Floride.