Happy Thanksgiving From The Group W Bench

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Happy Turkey Day y'all, and greetings from the Group W bench! If y'all are not familiar with the reference and have a few minutes to spare (okay, maybe 17 or 18), join me in one of my favorite Thanksgiving traditions, the playing of Arlo Guthrie's Alice's Restaurant

Other than its mention of Thanksgiving, I'm not quite sure how it got so associated with the holiday but nevertheless, come noon on Thanksgiving that is always what is being listened to. If we could get some Christmas music along the lines of that I'd probably be a lot more enthusiastic about that holiday's music...

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I came across these holiday holdouts while down in the Land Between the Lakes last summer. I'm not for sure what was wrong with them but they couldn't fly and were being taken care of at the wildlife center there.

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They hid once someone mentioned that thanksgiving was coming up but I still managed to get a few photos. Did y'all know that the turkeys that get pardoned by the president rarely live for more than a year after? The health problems that come from the rapid weight gain they've been bred for tend to get them if the carving knife doesn't. I was always a bit puzzled as a kid by the difference between the turkeys I saw in the woods and the ones that ended up getting ate but it took a while to figure out why.

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Y'all have a good one! I have some baked bird and assorted fixings calling my name, I expect to be moving about like this turtle (also from the LBL wildlife center) in the very near future.


You can get anything you want..... Happy turkey day to you! I've reached the turtle stage and may save my pumpkin pie for breakfast tomorrow!

Thanks! I made derby pie and after I finished that I was definitely at the turtle stage. I swear, I almost think the 'dessert for breakfast' meal on the morning after Thanksgiving is actually the best meal of the holiday :)

Oh! Derby pie! Do you use pecans or walnuts?

Both! I chop them real fine and mix'em 50-50.

That sounds like a secret recipe!

The original recipe came from a cookbook put out as a fundraiser by the Ladies' Auxiliary to the local volunteer fire department back home. I experimented with it a bunch and what I make now is a modified variant of that.

Oh I used to love those local cookbooks and read them cover to cover. I still have a few around but these days I Google most of my recipes simply because it is quicker.

Happy Thanksgiving mate, I hope you and yours have a great day!

Thanks! We stayed put and had a lovely meal and nice relaxed day in general.

I could go some leftovers buddy, but logistically I guess it's not possible. :)

Ha, yeah, a recipe or something similar is probably the closest thing to that I could send you.