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RE: Angry Goose painting

in Feathered Friends3 years ago

I love the drawing! Geese are scary when they're mad, I wouldn't mess with them. The other day I was at a park and saw some children relentlessly chasing the Canadian Geese. I thought for sure the children were going to be attacked, but for some reason, the geese put up with it. Those kids got lucky.


I so don’t like it when children are chasing birds or worse, throwing things at them….I always think parents did miss something in their life education if they do not transmit them that life is important whatever the form it takes…my children, young adults now, would never hurt a living being, and I didn’t need to tell them incessantly, I just shared with them what I thought was important and then they see acting in life…as parents we teach by our example of behavior , not by words, especially when words are not in harmony with our acts…🙂

I don't like it at all, either! I even yelled for them to stop, and also shouted to them that geese bite! But, as it turns out, the were visiting from somewhere far away and didn't understand what I was saying. I think the mom eventually caught my drift though, and she called them away.
If the geese HAD bitten, they certainly would have gotten the point across much better than I did.