
Sees crossed out but still visible curse word. (that's 2 swears, I'm counting). @sofs-su, did I do what the green eyed monster above has suggested?

Really?! Cuz that didn't add to the confusion at all I'm sure.

R e a l l y, not actually it's fakely.

Oh my goodness.. you guys are the limits. 😂😆

The outer limits, beyond sanity and insanity...beyond the stars. 🤣

Get back to the Earth and write your story LOL

I'm recovering. Last week dropped a lot of challenges on my door. I have to recharge the fuel supply.

Nah the pinks and the greens (2%) doesn't confuse me LOL

Good morning Sofs. Secrets comin in hot!

Pink. Even my belt is pink as I type this. So is my phone case, the bandana and and and.

This is the 2%'er part. 😉

He's always swearing , anything new about it? LOL

fook.Yes, @dandays is slipping them in everywhere (in a balanced way of course). Thing is now I'm starting to say things like

Dran, nah nah don't start that please.

Yeah, consensus there.


I used to say things like:

What the'fa Car you talking about.

Or Quiet the'fa Cup up.

But censoring myself is ridiculous.

🤣 Yeah, I think you're best completely uncensored, otherwise, you wouldn't be you and I wouldn't like that one little itty bitty, no sir, not 3 bags full sir, no way, no how, never.