Búho es el nombre común de aves de la familia Strigidae, del orden de los estrigiformes o aves rapaces nocturnas. Habitualmente designa especies que, a diferencia de las lechuzas, tienen plumas alzadas que parecen orejas (sus verdaderas orejas se encuentran al costado de la cabeza, a los laterales de los ojos) y presentan una coloración amarilla o naranja en el iris. Debido a que sus ojos carecen de movilidad y solo pueden ver hacia delante, pueden girar la cabeza 270°
Owl is the common name for birds of the family Strigidae, of the order of the strigiformes or nocturnal birds of prey. It usually designates species that, unlike owls, have raised feathers that look like ears (their true ears are on the side of the head, on the sides of the eyes) and have a yellow or orange coloration on the iris. Because their eyes lack mobility and can only see straight ahead, they can turn their head 270
## La anatomía del búho se caracteriza por: Las extensas alas que le permiten volar a gran velocidad. Con sus alas desplegadas puede llegar a medir un metro y medio. Las garras filosas y largas que le permiten sujetar a sus presas mientras mantiene su vuelo.
The owl's anatomy is characterized by: The extensive wings that allow it to fly at high speed. With its wings spread, it can grow to a meter and a half. The sharp and long claws that allow it to hold its prey while maintaining its flight.
@doritos12 you can not use photos from the internet and not giving the proper credits...the best is to not use them at all, in any case on Feathered Friends community we always more enjoy post with photos taken by the author ...Better draw the attention with your own original content than attracting the downvotes with copied pictures or text😉