in Feathered Friends4 years ago

hello everyone, This week's theme sand and bird was a little tough one for me as there is no beaches in my district and i did tried to find birds in other locations having sand like river banks but sadly i failed to spot any birds.

For months i been planning to visit my friend in Alapuzha, which is about 165km from my house, more than 4 hours of drive. Alapuzha is famous for its beaches and back waters so i thought now is the perfect time to visit him cause he will take me to nearby beaches and if am lucky i can capture the photos of birds in the beach.

As always i started my journey early and reached my friends house in Alapuzha at 8:30am. After having breakfast my friend took me to the nearest beach Puthuvype. I did find some stunning birds there.
_MG_4373.jpgsand piper

I find many sand pipers there. This was the first time that i have seen a sand piper. My friend told me that these birds are common there on the beach. I took many photos of that little beauties.
_MG_3477-2.jpgsand piper

We were walking through the beach searching for other birds and my friend showed me a Eurasian curlew. This was also my first sighting of Eurasian curlew.
_MG_3612.JPGEurasian curlew

I searched mamy places with sand for birds in my district but i couldn't find one but after reaching alapuzha it was like i was meant to be there and i spotted many birds in sand areas. After returning from the Puthuvype beach my friend took me to a cricket ground in a quiet and beautiful place. The thing about Alapuzha is that there is sand almost everwhere. There i spotted a Eurasian hoopoe. These birds are common in Kerala and these beautiful birds are one of my favourites.

h-2.jpgEurasian hoopoe

Special thanks to @nelinoeva and #SMAP cause this journey would'nt have happened now, if it weren't for this amazing contest.



You found some real beauties. I haven't seen sand pipers and curlews, but hoopoe comes in summer here. Last year I was surprised by a hoopoe in our local park.

This was the first time i saw sand pipers and curlews

Manually curated by ackhoo from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you so much

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I have not seen the sand piper or the Eurasian curlew. I used to see the Hoopoe was pretty common, I would see it pecking on our mango tree trunks. Sadly, I have not seen one in 20 years now.

Hoopoe is a common one here in kerala. Just yesterday I saw one.