Hello Feathered Friends Community. Welcome to Round 205 of the Show Me A Photo or SMAP Contest hosted by @nelinoeva. Do check this contest out if you still haven't heard about it. The link to the contest announcement is provided at the end of this post.
The theme for this week is:
There's a small park where I jog in the mornings. It's just right across my grandson's school. So when I bring him to school in the morning, I do my workout there. It has a walkway that circumnavigates the whole park which most joggers and strollers use when they exercise. Now in one part of the park is a small open hut which also doubles as the quarters of the park's caretaker. And one of his interests is to raise cocks for cockfighting. Not as in big time derby cockfighting but just neighborhood gaming with bets on the side. Illegal here in our country but only if you get caught. Passing by that particular area, one can often see numerous roosters usually tied in one foot to secure them.
This particular morning I noticed that the cocks were all crowing and flapping their wings, as if restless. They looked like they were trying to outdo each other in belching out the loudest cock-a-doodle doo. Trying to show who's the cock of the roost.
The Free Dictionary defines "cock of the roost" as an arrogant, conceited, or overly proud person, typically a man. Looking at these roosters loudly crowing and trying to outcrow the others is probably the reason why such an expression was coined.
Their postures speak of their haughty and arrogant nature, proud as punch (meaning extremely proud or pleased with oneself), the gamecock of the roost.
My entry is the second to the last photo.
And that's all folks. Hope you agree with my choice of photo to enter. Meanwhile, may you all have a blessed weekend and Sunday ahead.
Click here for the link to the contest announcement.
(All photos are mine.)
Thank you 😊
Oh dear, they still do that cockfigting.
Is this one-legged rooster or my eyes are cheating?
Thank you very much for another interesting post and entry.
Hi @nelinoeva. No one-legged rooster. It's just the angle of the camera that makes it look like the cock is standing on one leg 😁
Hehe, glad that the cock is all right.