Hey Hive! I’ve got something more interesting to share today from my garden experience. The whole weekend seemed like the birds took some time off or at least they stayed high up in the trees. However I just stood outside on the stairs in front of the house trying to spot something. After a few failed attempts at taking photos of flying birds mid air, I finally spotted 2 tiny individuals on the small palm tree right before me. After some research later on I found out that this little couple was of the Olive Backed Sunbirds species.
Olive Backed Sunbird
These birds also known as “Yellow-bellied sunbirds” are so small but very pretty. They grow up to about 12cm long. Their bright colors make them easy to spot even though their size makes it easy to hide.
I’m pretty sure these two have a nest somewhere in the trees in our garden because I’ve seen them around a few times before. It is their mating season right now as well as for most bird species around so I often see males doing male stuff, trying to attract females.
I first saw one of these while on the second floor at home. The little thing was trying so hard to get inside the room but the windows were closed shut. It looked like a Colibri to me but I was almost certain we don’t have these around. I did find out eventually what it was. They feed on flower nectar and often do so midair just like Colibri birds do. It would make sense they decided to stay around the house, we have so many blooming trees and flowers.
I know I disappear a lot lately but we are still stuck in one place unable to go anywhere. We'll be trying to get to Koh Kood in 2 weeks time, since a friend of ous has her parents managing a hotel there. It's currently empty and noone really goes to the island so it will be even more secluded than before. I really hope it isn't raining as bad as it has been last couple of weeks though. Last time we went to Koh Kood we saw so many eagles hunting for fish at the peer on our way back. This time I'll be prepared with a camera in hand in order to get some photos for the feathered friends community. :)
He's such a lovely coloured bird.
Oh I know about the struggles when the birds seem to stay just out of reach! These sunbirds are so beautiful.
Just need a bigger zoom lens I guess.. 😀
Indeed yes! I need to buy some new gear, as my gear is very old. So that is on the whishlist.
I was so close to buying a whole new camera a year ago but kind of glad I didn't invest so much into it since covid hit us so hard here.. we can't move anywhere.
That is not cool I am sorry, and I am glad for you that you did not buy it! Yes, gear is so expensive, and with everything moving away from DSLR to mirrorless, I need to rebuy all my gear. (I have Nikon, and I am thinking of moving to Sony or Canon.)
I am eyeing out Sony Aiii but may wait a bit and get the new one. I'm using a pretty old Fuji as well at the moment.. but it's servisible and the lenses I have are quite nice.
Same here. But it is so expensive, at least here in my country. Inflation and salaries that did not rise and other factors made the already expensive hobby of photography even more expensive.
Very nice! Never seen these colourful birds before!!
I've been surprised at how many new things one can see when he looks above more..😀 Recently started staring more at the trees around and there are soo many creatures living all around. ^^
These are very colorful birdies. You will discover some really amazing creatures around you.
I hope you can see and make some photos of the eagles when in Koh Kood. I shall look forward.
I hope so too but depensd on what time the boats will be taking off the pear.
How come no more new photos?!
Oh the new dog chases away most of them and doesn't let me freeroam in the garden with a camera as much..She just likes to charge and jump on.😄