Птахи #7 : Лелеки (Birds #7 : Storks )

in Feathered Friends5 years ago
Цього разу, перебуваючи на відпочинку, мені трапилося гніздо, яке було розташовене на електричних стовпах. В гнізді проживала сім' я лелек. Для нашої місцевості це доволі звична картина. Немає ліпшого місця, ніж розташувати свій будинок на стовпах по котрим тягнеться електричний провід. Особливо коли поряд багато дерев. Мабуть не знайшли підходяще.This time, while on vacation, I came across a nest that was located on electric poles. A family of storks lived in the nest. For our area, this is a fairly common picture. There is no better place than to place your house on the poles along which the electric wire runs. Especially when there are many trees nearby. Apparently not found a suitable one.




Canon EOS M10EF-M 55-200mm f/4.5-6.3 IS STM



!tipIt is incredible that the power lines can support the weight of those nests! That's pretty amazing. Thanks for sharing this with the #Featheredfriends community

The socket is kept not only on the wires themselves. It is also located on a pole. And there is something to hold on to. If you build correctly, and they know how

They are master builders! It's very amazing!

Great picture you have collected which is very nice.

Thank you

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 14 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!

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Чим це ти таким займаєшся ?

Що з ним трапилося ?

 5 years ago  Reveal Comment

Хороша справа.