Our almost there hand friendly Bronzewing pigeon male

Thought I would share one of our most friendly non skittish pigeon that comes to visit us everyday at home. He comes within half a meter from your hand so I would say we are almost there to feeding him from hand.

It took almost a year to get to a point where he does not fly away and gets super close. He has a female and she is coming daily now with there young one but they are still a bit wary so hopefully we can get them tame soon. We also have some Galahs and other parrots that is coming regularly and hope to take some photos of them soon.

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For some reason I get broken images when trying to upload the rest of the photos so there seems to be a limit how many you can show per post.

If you are interested I am selling some photos of mine on prints or on merch at https://hendrikspix.redbubble.com

Also, my photos cannot be used without my permission thank you.


This is awesome bird, almost unreal. 😀
It's like somebody pained the feathers.

The feathers looks almost metallic when the sun reflects off it I will try to get a photo of it like that. But amazing bird wouldn't mind getting one as a pet.

Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!