Like any other morning, I will start my routine with a shower of course. Before taking a shower, I always take my towel which is hung on the back balcony upstairs. The view from the balcony is a feast for the eyes, but that's not what caught my attention this morning.
The sound of birds chirping sounded very loud at that time, I immediately swept my gaze and it turned out, on the roof of a house that was right behind where I lived, a bird was perched. Of course, without wasting the opportunity, I immediately went to my room to get my camera and took a picture of the bird.
I was worried that the bird had moved on by the time I returned. But it turned out that my worries were not true. I immediately pointed the camera at the bird and quickly took the picture while waiting for the bird to move its gaze and position. As before, because I have absolutely no knowledge of bird species, I ended up asking my friend @fnonee about this bird.
She said that in Indonesia, this bird is known as the Merbah Cerucuk. As for the international common name, this bird is known as the Yellow-vented bulbul with the scientific name of Pycnonotus goiavier. I also asked if this bird is commonly found or not, and she said that this is a relatively common bird. She also said that the main food of this bird is fruits and sometimes it also eats insects. I also mentioned that, near this office, many houses plant mango trees, and it is currently in the fruiting season. I responded to the question and said that, near this office, many houses plant mango trees, and it is currently in the fruiting season.
That's all for my short story about this Yellow-vented bulbul. Thank you for visiting this post and hope you like it. Feel free to leave your comments, and I would be very happy if you could provide support through reblogs or votes. See you next time!
P.S I hope this gives @fnonee the motivation to share her bird pictures and stories soon, which I'm sure will be absolutely gorgeous. Can't wait to see this happen😁
All these pictures were taken using Canon SX60HS
and processed through Adobe Lightroom
You have a good eye, Nindo. This bird is so common that not many people observe it. In fact, this species is one of the indicators that a place is open. You will rarely find this species in dense forests.
Wait for my first post about birds...