Como se encuentran mis amigos de esta maravillosa ¨Feathered FriendsCommunity¨ : Muy feliz de estar nuevamente en este genial lugar para comentarles entre otras cosas de las especies de aves que nos visitan en el patio trasero. Tengo la suerte de tener un vecino al fondo de casa que tiene un gran árbol de ¨pindó¨ : y como todas las ¨palmeras¨ tienen unos pequeños frutos que es la delicia de las aves, especialmente de las ¨cotorras-argentinas¨ : Estos hermosos loros son aves que te alegran el día, dado que no pueden estar callados y siempre están conversando entre ellas

Source: Family Álbum
How are my friends from this wonderful ¨Feathered FriendsCommunity¨ : Very happy to be back in this great place to tell you, among other things, about the bird species that visit us in the backyard. I am lucky to have a neighbor at the back of my house who has a large ¨pindó¨ : tree and like all ¨palm trees¨ they have small fruits that are the delight of birds, especially the ¨cotorras-argentinas¨ : These beautiful parrots are birds that brighten your day, since they cannot be quiet and are always talking to each other.
No te imaginas lo hermoso que puede ser levantarse en las mañanas con las presencias de estos pequeños loros; una actividad que recomiendo a todos, como también recomiendo participar de esta genial iniciativa ¨FeatheredFriends¨ ¨Show Me A Photo Contest Round 208¨ : La consigna de esta semana es dar a conocer fotografías de aves comiendo

You can't imagine how beautiful it can be to wake up in the morning with the presence of these little parrots; an activity that I recommend to everyone, as I also recommend participating in this great initiative ¨FeatheredFriends¨ ¨Show Me A Photo Contest Round 208¨ : This week's slogan is to share photographs of birds eating

Source: vimeo-free-videos
#Posh compartido en mis redes sociales
Great shot mate i think you are too good to beat

🤣 @jlufer have the greatest day
I will be including this content on the @heartbeatonhive curation collection
Made in CanvaProject Moderator - @benthomaswwd
Thank you so much dear friends @heartbeatonhive
I wish you all a wonderful day
Can I participate, I love what I'm seeing here
Hello dear friend @ijelady good day
That would be great, I would love to see your posts about birds, this week the theme is photographs of birds eating
We look forward to seeing you
Wow, I'm thinking where to get it now, can you please help me with the link
Great, you can enter here to see the contest instructions
To publish you have to do it in this community
I wish you much success
You see I never know about this community, I just subscribed now, I will go for it if I see bird feeding
I'm glad you joined, you're going to have a lot of fun
I wish you much success in your bird hunting
Do you what, I have gotten bird, it was all fun
Birds are beautiful creatures, nice bringing them to us here in the contest.
Thank you very much dear friend @oasiskp2