Fly Free

in Feathered Friends2 years ago

Hot Bird Summer

Much like us birds tend to not enjoy extremely hot days, panting, bathing, pulling their feathers tighter to their bodies, no birds don't like the heat always.

Swings and slides from hot to wet, adjusting to conditions takes some forethought both involve thick bush one to keep dry or cool within, keep growing trees!

Pond is enjoyed or bird bath out in the open giving them time to take a dip then perch in safer place to enjoy cooling down.

What has been happening over the last week has been mixed weather some rain with exceptionally hot days in between, birds cope pretty well nonetheless.

Village Weaver female sits looking around from the tree, safe enough to go in and enjoy a couple of seeds?


Male Village Weaver making sure he gets his fair share after all this building of nests takes loads of energy you know!


Taking top perch is none other than the Pin-tailed whydah bird ready to pounce on any female in his species ready to breed once again....


One of his harem arrive and everyone must 'skedaddle' get out the way!


While up on the roof a lot of argy-bargy carries on..., heat of the day is not a time to lose it guys! Hadeda pecking order on top of the roof, short tempers flaring for a breeze?


Don't stick around too long you may get bomb dived in haste of space on the bush perhaps.


Well 'don't worry, be happy' we will fit into once space and wait it out for now....


So I leave with a thought down memory lane once again!

Free as a bird
It's the next best thing to be
Free as a bird.
Home, home and dry
Like a homing bird I'll fly
As a bird on wings.
Whatever happened to
The life that we once knew?
Can we really live without each other?
Where did we lose the touch
That seemed to mean so much?
It always made me feel so free.
  • John Lennon

FREE TOPICThanks for visiting birds BIRDS - Free feathered friends, entry to #SMAP No. 103 Contest with host @nelinoeva

Feathered Friends Community gratitude to @melinda010100 for sponsoring the contest. Our talented artist @barbara-orenya for on-going creative support.


All photography is my own. Any queries or requests please drop a comment below or make contact with me, have a wonderful day! Photography without tripod, go with the flow wherever life takes you. NB: Amateur photographer and bird watcher, keep smiling!

Thought for Today: "A hot tempered person destroys in one day, all his twenty years achievements." - African Proverb

Combination_PapillonCharity.png How To


by @barbara-orenya



These are beautiful and colourful birds @joanstewart , it must be refreshing waking up to their sounds and beauty, even though the sound of Hadedas can be a little bit too much sometimes.

Hadeda South Africa's alarm clock, no one listens, all can hear the call though!

Look forward to seeing your introduction post and where you live, what your hobbies and lifestyle are, keep contact Vusi.

You've got a nice shot.

Thanks @rubelynmacion have a wonderful day.

All the birds are very nice and very beautiful, how can I do a photo shoot like you. I feel like doing something like this too

Never go outdoors without a camera, I walk the dog regularly around the garden and get to see some totally amazing things. Oh lots of patience, you take many being digital, also throw many away !LOLZ

What's the difference between a taxidermist and a tax collector?
A taxidermist takes only your skin.

Credit: reddit

Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ
(6/6)@aceh.potrait, I sent you an on behalf of @joanstewart

Honestl I really want to have a camera but money is not on my side

Small pocket camera is all I use, for safety and affordability it works well enough.

I can imagine if we humans feel uncomfortable due to heat, it probably could be tougher on birds due to their feathers that can retain heat. Preference for weather can be funny as we wish for hot days and when hot days comes we want cold days...

Cold days are a treat (for me), although the birds hide from rainy weather as not all have 'water proof'. In extreme heat like we had recently birds open their feathers out, open beaks as if panting.

I am one for cold days as well, hot days just don't do it for me. Autumn is my favorite weather in SA.

Spring, Autumn and Winter major hibernation during the hot months....

It is a beauty, this publication, the message, is an Ode to freedom. I am indulgent without being negligent and will always raise my voice for the authentic right to be free as master nature teaches in every space it can influence.🐦

Sending you a warm embrace Mrs @joanstewart

Watching nature is freedom all around, we need to stop and take it in. Life is full of surprises, each special, setting us free from the reality most live in.

Thanks for kind words and visit !LUV

Each day I surrender to contemplate its beauty, growth, and maturity like life itself.💚

Have a wonderful weekend, be sure to spend time outdoors.

You are right, the summer heat is quite uncomfortable for birds, but a frosty winter is an even greater test for birds.

Sub-tropical we never get that cold, always enjoy learning from my bird watching friends from the cold regions with superb photography showing how their local birds survive.


Oh, yes, too hot summer is not preferable.
You have gathered again so many different birds, all of them are awesome.
Thank you fot this delightful post!

So many birds I never feel there is enough time in a day to give them the credit they so deserve. Forever learning from them with their gestures and habits being observed constantly, I must be a bird stalker..... 🙂

Always a pleasure Neli, such lovely content being shared from everywhere!

Haha, bird stalker, that makes us two, I am bird stalker too.😀

Have a beautiful day!


I gifted $PIZZA slices here:
(2/10) @joanstewart tipped @irvet (x1)

Join us in Discord!

Manually curated by ackhoo from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Hello @ackhoo what a lovely surprise, trust team @qurator are all fine and keeping well!

Oh to be free as a bird, lovely photos Joan!
The weather really has been teasing us this week, hot, rainy, chilly, all seasons in a space of a week! What a blessing though when the cooler weather came, it was like a balm to the soul, just lovely!

Another thumping hot day again today, really worst time of the year for me, wish Autumn was here already even though knowingly wishing ones life away.

Has you son left for the Netherlands yet, good move on his part! So many people leaving it like a mass exodus down here on the coastline.

While up on the roof a lot of argy-bargy carries on..., heat of the day is not a time to lose it guys!

Hahahaha! This made me laugh.

Freebird! Freebird!!

Some accept the heat gracefully, others not so much, I'm one of the latter....

Nice to see you Victor, thanks for visiting, hope you guys have not been hit too hard with winter this year.

In the area where I live there are still many species of wild birds in nature. Unfortunately I do not have adequate equipment to photograph them. Really hope that one day I can have enough provisions for it.

Take a look at second hand shops at used camera equipment, test it thoroughly before making a purchase when you have some cash, many discard for larger equipment or when money is tight sell-off. Hope you obtain a start up camera soon.

To your colorful birds, I posted something today about a colorful bush.

Check it out !
Hello @joanstewart ! The perfect match! 😉 Have a nice weekend! @missagora

Thanks, have a wonderful day.

Yellows. blues. and browns birds.
All free to fly the sky.
How blessed is South Africa.
Let us hope the people feel likewise free.

Birds set my mind free upon journeys untold, watching life unravel locally is an ugly sight to behold....

Smile, it is free!😁