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RE: Great Blue Heron

in Feathered Friends5 years ago

Well, it has been only a few days since you posted that walk 😉

We have had beautiful sunshine, but now there are some rainclouds on the sky. If it rains I'll have to stay one more night at my parents house 😀 tomorrow is a holiday anyway.

Cheers and !BEER


Yes I did say I was going to post photos of the Blue Heron from my walk in Feathered Friends.

A nice long visit. Maybe you get macro shots of the flowers there and some birds will come by.

Have a wonderful Sunday Johann.

I have photographed a few flowers and insects, but I think most birds have been too fast for me ;) I'll have to look at the photos at home.

I hope your weather has become nice and your Sunday also 🙂

Cheers and !BEER

 5 years ago (edited) 

The weather is beautiful today. The leaves are out on the trees. It’s nice to see the flowers and bushes blooming.

I’m sure you captured some lovely shots Johann. I look forward to seeing them.

Good morning Jo,

I got up late today and now I try to reply to quite a few comments before I decide what to do today, because our day seems to be very beautiful too.

Yesterday evening I came home and I only have downloaded the photos to the computer, but haven't had a look at them yet. If it rained today I would know what to do, but the sun is shining ... I think I have said that today is a holiday 😁

Hopefully today will be as nice as yesterday and you'll have a great day, Jo 😀

Cheers and !BEER