Es parte de la familia /// It's part of the family

in Feathered Friends9 months ago


Saludos mis queridos amigos en Hive, en mi publicación de hoy les muestro las fotografías de parte del crecimiento de nuestro gallo Stanly, así lo bautizamos desde pequeño, tenia un aspecto raro, paso mucho tiempo para que le crecieran sus plumas rojizas su cola larga y su copete que luce con mucho orgullo.

Greetings my dear friends at Hive, in my post today I show you the photographs of part of the growth of our rooster Stanly, that's how we named him since he was little, he had a strange appearance, it took a long time for his reddish feathers to grow, his long tail and his pompadour that he wears with great pride.


Stanly llego a nuestra casa muy pequeño junto con la gallina negrita cuando apenas eran pollitos, los cuidamos y protegimos mucho, con cariño y buena alimentación hoy ya son unos ejemplares adultos.

Stanly came to our house very young along with the black hen when they were just chicks, we took care of them and protected them a lot, with love and good nutrition, today they are already adult specimens.


Antes del nacimiento de los pollitos de la gallina negrita, solo teníamos tres amigos plumados en el gallinero, el gallo stanly junto a sus dos amigas, la gallina negrita y la gallina blanquita, se la llevaban muy bien.

Before the birth of the black hen's chicks, we only had three feathered friends in the hen house, the Stanly rooster along with his two friends, the black hen and the white hen, got along very well.


Esta gallo hoy tiene un aspecto muy atractivo su plumaje es rojizo, sus plumas son brillantes y largas, hace unos días lo llevamos a casa de mi mamá para hacer un intercambio temporal, nuestro gallo Stanly pasara un tiempo allá para tratar de ligar su raza, pues mi mamá solo tiene gallinas de color negro y el gallo es de color negro, y nuestro gallo puede colaborar para darle color a ese gallinero.

This rooster today has a very attractive appearance, its plumage is reddish, its feathers are shiny and long, a few days ago we took it to my mother's house to do a temporary exchange, our rooster Stanly will spend some time there to try to match his breed, Well, my mother only has black chickens and the rooster is black, and our rooster can collaborate to give color to that chicken coop.



Amigos gracias por el apoyo a todas mis publicaciones, @karen16.

Fotos: 💯 % originales.
Capturadas con mi teléfono inteligente 📲
Foto, efectos.
Autor: @karen16.


Friends thanks for supporting all my posts, @karen16.

Photos: 💯% original.
Captured with my smartphone 📲
Photo, effect.
Author: @karen16.


Hello dear friend @karen16 good morning
You are so right, poultry is part of the family.
How cute Stanly is and it's good to know that he gets along very well with the rest of the birds.
Beautiful shots, congratulations
Have a beautiful day

They are very nice, thank you for your support friend @jlufer!