!tipI'm not very good with sparrow ID, but maybe that is a chipping sparrow? There are so many types of sparrows! Great photos and thanks for sharing them with the #featheredfriends community! ❤️
!tipI'm not very good with sparrow ID, but maybe that is a chipping sparrow? There are so many types of sparrows! Great photos and thanks for sharing them with the #featheredfriends community! ❤️
Yes I think it may be a young chipping sparrow! Thanks for the ID help.
Agree this is a chipping sparrow, nice red cap and eye stripe.
Thanks for the confirmation! ❤️
Trying to figure out the difference between a Lincoln's sparrow and a female house sparrow that would be a tricky task :-)
Who do you think this one is?
Yikes, I would say juvenile female house sparrow... but it seems to have a tint of yellow/green maybe it's a type of bunting?
I never have seen a house sparrow here in the woods, but that is what I thought, too. The camera picked up that color. I couldn't see it with my eyes.
I found another shot with what may be an adult. Does that give you any clues?
I'll have to compare beaks with a sparrow.