I tried bringing mine indoors at night also, but found that I was bringing in ants and various other bugs. So I bought a tote and put it out on the deck and put the feeders inside the tote at night I ended up with a tote and feeders ful of ants. I filled the bottom of the tote with an inch of water and put the feeders in the middle of that Lake! It solved that problem and the raccoons could not get the tote locks open.
Yeah, they must need to eat a lot before they go to bed at night. I often see them out at the feeder when it is on the verge of being very dark!
Ants and other insects like to get inside and drink the sugared water. I’ve been lucky with this last one. It is suppose to be ant proof and seems to be so far...knock on wood. Ouch! That knock hurt my head. 😄
Hahaha! Later in the summer I have to take mine down because of the hornets it attracts and my daughter is allergic.