Usually Magpies will fly away when I approach; this one, however, flew right up to me. I wonder if it was curiosity or simply thinking I had food as this was downtown, and I am sure there are many people who leave treats out for them. Its behavior was a bit bit different from what I have seen in my own neighborhood, so it could be that office life has made this bird more social. As magpies are considered to be fairly intelligent it might have hoped I had some reward but was quick to realize that I didn't have any treats as it moved on to some other people moments after this encounter.
Gorgeous photos!
By the look it seems a young bird. It is possible to be waiting for a treat.
Thank you again for your entry.

Thanks, it did seem like a young one to me
Happy to participate!
If they're anything like crows, they get feisty at certain times of the year. This looks like a very intelligent bird, and its eyes have a certain cunning
They are quite similar to crows, I would describe them as cunning and opportunistic.