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RE: Let Our Picture Tell Your Story - Edition 13

in Feathered Friends3 years ago (edited)

The moon looks like a bubble over the bird's head so it made me imagine this story. Sorry to the possible (many) grammatical mistakes there and to all english natives reading it. 😅

The bubble of oblivion
He took an oath to the earth and sky together, that fateful night when he left, that he shall not trust anyone again, be free to go and do whatever he wanted. He began to surround himself with the magic bubble of disguise. An end for all who had truly known him and a new beginning for those who will get to know him from now on.

The witch that gave him the bubble seed warned him that there’s no way back once he ate the seed. In a way, he thought it was better for everyone, but somewhere deep down he wanted at least someone to remember him. Even knowing this, he accepted this fate, as it was too late to change anything now anyway.

At first, he did it because he was angry with everyone, he felt misunderstood and betrayed by his tribe when they chose to bend the knees and be reined under the merciless duke leopard. How could a bird that must fly freely in the sky, be subdued and act as scouts for the leopard clan?

"Don't they have no pride left, he thought once again?"
And he just wanted to forget everything. He even thought about how bad must have hurt his leaving without a word. But if he can’t convince them their actions are wrong with his words, the only thing left was to show his resistance by leaving.

“Will they think of me as weak, I just fled like that! What a fool I am ... ”
Now that he was free from any duty he felt a sense of relief but at the same time a huge desire to see them again, under the new reign, hoping they are all safe.
“I will watch them from time to time, and while they won’t know me I will know them”


That was a nice read... felt sad he had to make that decision and just give up on them.


if there were any grammatical errors I didn't notice... it was an engaging read.

Thank you, khoola. I read yours also and I love the way you can express your story in such a profound way, as if your character has come alive. Yours is sad too, and so are most the rest of the stories commented here but that's because we had this sad, alone bird as inspiration. Plus, sad stories make everything seem more real because of the likelihood of similar situations in our lives.

This was incredible! You left me really wanting the next part ❤️ I hope the leopard clan treats them well.