My fur friend the orange

Hello all fur lovers, here I will introduce my orange furry friend named riko😻

Orange cats are indeed attractive! His cute and adorable nature often makes people who see him happy and amused. In fact, now the orange or orange cat also gets the nickname 'barbarian cat' because of its behavior that often looks unique and different from other colored cats. However, not only his interesting behavior, there are also many other facts that can make you more nervous with the orange cat.

Orange cat is a cat that has orange, orange, or reddish fur. The term orange cat actually refers to the color of the cat's fur, not a specific type of cat.

So, although orange cats can have certain characteristics, such as a flashy fur color, they actually belong to different types and breeds of cats.

The orange color in cats is caused by pigmentation or a natural coloring substance called pheomelanin.

Pheomelanin is a pigment that gives red and orange color to cat hair.

This orange fur color is obtained through genetic inheritance from the mother cat.

Here are some photos of my orange cat at home that are very adorable, hope you like it

That's all from the photos of my hairy friend, see you soon


Thank you for showing us your pets, the truth is they are adorable, but I must say that there are other communities that better fit your publicationHello dear friend @nandarismu good day

I'm sorry, I don't understand, I'm still new here

Hello good day @nandarismu

It is evident that you have made a mistake when choosing the community where you wanted to publish your content, since this is a community that is all about birds.

These two communities Hive Pets - Caturday are some of the communities where you can host your content

It goes without saying that you are welcome to post when you want to talk about the birds that live in the region where you live

I'm sorry, I don't understand, I'm new here 🙏🏻

Feathered Friends Community is for posts about birds!