My own bush or forest or whatever

in Feathered Friends16 hours ago (edited)

10:30 am on 4 March / Dialogue with my neighbour.

Anitaaaaa, Anitaaaa.

I am going... 😅... wait a minute, please. I go out into the backyard amidst yawning and stretching Good morning, what excellent news do we have today?

Bring a plate to give you some sweet potatoes.

Oh, yes, my stomach is growling already. Sweet potatoes made with wood?

Yes, Anita, I know you like them. Look, a coconut fell. And she points to the middle of my yard We don't have any sugar, but we can stockpile the coconuts so that when we get some, we can make the sweets.


Great... Come on, give me the coconut water, if you're not going to drink it.

It's OK Anita... The sugar is expensive. It's not easy, mija.

I know. We'll see what we can do... we'll accumulate coconuts and our friend on the other side will bring the sugar... hahaha... I just got up. Look how late it is! I walk to the coconut tree and pick up the coconut and hand it to her. It was the one that fell the day the woodpecker visited me. I left it there at the foot of the tree Wait, I'll get the plate. That's probably my breakfast because I don't have any bread.

No, the bread didn't come yesterday. There's no bread, there's nothing... and laughs.

We can make chicharritas or mashed banana, because that's what we have our plantation for. And you cooked sweet potatoes. Yummy.



I run over and bring the dish and hand it to her over the wall. She walks to her wood cooker and soon comes with the plate overflowing with sweet potatoes, which she gives me with a smile

Thank you. I'm going to eat all this right now. The taste of wood-fired food is special to me, it reminds me of my childhood.


I quickly look around the magical garden. I see some yellow butterflies fluttering there among the... Hey, the flowers of George Thaddeus (Anthurium) say good morning to me too. How wonderful! I didn't realise that plant had bloomed. 😃


What happens then is this: I walk back into the house humming a song I made up about some flowers, a sadness and a love... and a plate of sweet potatoes. 🙄😂 Hilarious.

I put the leftover sauce from the previous day's meal on top of the sweet potatoes and serve a mug of yoghurt as well... it's a very copious breakfast.

All that's left is to enjoy this delicious food on the patio while I watch and listen to my feathered friends, regular visitors to Villa Nani.


Of course we agreed on this photo session afterwards. So far the photos of the red-legged thrushes. 😁


Palm warbler (Setophaga palmarum)

While I'm eating I think about my days, about how much I would like to go hiking in the mountains with a group, that plans those trips to paradisiacal places in our geography that I haven't visited yet; however, I'm held back by the idea that I must first solve other important health issues that are very expensive right now, and besides, the simple fact of buying food for the day is already a challenge. I look around me and remember the conversation my friend Amanda Flores and I had very recently... just one sentence from her that made me laugh out loud. 🤣

Sure, going to the forest and mountains doesn't cost money if you wake up and there are right in front of you.


Sparrows in the flowering plum tree.


I thought about the fact that I don't have proper hiking boots, nor do I have a tent... I do have one of those big backpacks that I named Rosita, but that's all... Moving to those places also costs money, and buying the necessary supplies, and I'm sure I'll have to pay for other things there...


My mind wanders... the birds live a very simple life. Look at them... I'm not complaining... really, but everything in life needs some planning. The bush will have to wait. Here I have my own bush or forest or whatever in the meantime.





Tortola or ground dove (some help here experts 😅)



And finally, here we have this Blackbird o totí performing an opera aria.


Natural art 😂

Original content by @nanixxx. All rights reserved ©, 2025.


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I love blackbirds! I can tell you this: As you enjoy your forest every morning before you open your eyes and every night when you close them, visualize yourself in the place you want to be and feel that you are there, feel so much that you get emotional and tears fall and so every day, until your brain can't know it's not real... do it.

It's ok. I do it with a lot of things and it works hahaha...not with others. Thank you @avdesing.

Funcionara... cree!

Yo creo. De veras que sí. Sé todo lo que se puede lograr y es sorprendente de muchas maneras cuando estoy alineada... Me pasan cosas que digo: wow, increíble. 😲

Lo entiendo, pero sé que mi mente me sigue jugando malas pasadas. Y tengo que seguir mejorando.

Muchas gracias 😊. Es bueno contar con personas cercanas que entiendan y aconsejen así como lo haces, porque los demás me creen loca. 😂😉

Es un trabajo de día a día, caemos muchas veces, crees que no pienso negativo? Claro que si pero se debe revertir. Yo estoy loca desde que nací, que más remedio jajajaja Buenas noches!!!

¡Buenas noches! Descansa y sueña lindo. 👋🏻

Delightful views, your garden attracts many visitors! I loved your photos but the video is amazing!

The day before yesterday there was a bird that I can't figure out what it was. But I thought I was recording it and no, I didn't press the button out of excitement. It looked like a hawk.

Ojalá pueda volverlo a ver.

I love your magical garden, I'm going to stay a while to see if I can chat to any of its inhabitants. Let me know if I'm being a nuisance.

A big hug, @nanixxx.

Hello, 🙋🏻 not at all. The inhabitants of my garden are very talkative and love to have visitors. Today Bobap came and climbed the coconut tree. 😂 So pretty she is.
It's been raining here since 2 o'clock in the afternoon! But suddenly... It was very sunny, in fact I got dressed to go to a place to take some photos and I couldn't go out. I stayed dressed. 🙄😊

Si que tienes tú pequeña foresta, lugares así existen en muchos rincones de la Habana... pensé que no podía ver el vídeo por la conexión, pero cuando leí la opinión de @paloma diciendo que le gustó, lo intente y corrió bien... tienes que decirme como lo haces para que no pese mucho... feliz tarde de foresta!!

En YouTube los videos se pueden ver en varias resoluciones, creo que se ajusta solo según tu conexión. En la ruedita dentada puedes seleccionar si lo quieres ver a mayor resolución. El mínimo es 144p.
Sobre el lugar en el que vivo, es una de las cosas que más me gusta de él. Muchas criaturas hermosas y sonidos que alegran el día desde por la mañana, mientras que a algún vecino no le dé por poner Reguetón a todo tren. 😆

gracias por la explicación.... estoy estudiando eso del Volumen...

Ah, pero el vídeo tiene buen volumen. Incluso puedes escuchar la diversidad de cantos del totí... 😂 Es broma. Ya sé que me estás hablando de lo del Trading y lo que te recomendé estudiar. 😆 encanta tu sentido del humor... mientras no hablemos de volumen del reguetón todo está bien... jajaja

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