I wouldn't give up if I were you.
Think of those who did great things.... If they had given up because they were not understood from the beginning. Today we would not have their great contributions.
There is a natural process that happens as we do.... We improve and new ideas come in. The one that will fill your nest with golden nuggets is just around the corner. But if you stop, you won't get it.
You have a good point. Maybe a new idea will come in, or maybe more of the older generation who are my biggest audience will find my channel. But there is the matter of time and how I want to spend it. If growth and/or evolution don't happen, that's an extra ten plus hours a week I could invest in something else to nourish my soul.
Sure, 😉 there's that too. I get your point. Friend, the answers are always close at hand. Whatever you must do, you will do.