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RE: Feeding birds is cool!

in Feathered Friendslast year (edited)

When you download the picture, you will not see the link. You must add it. Try to copy this:


And add it under the photo.

Then you will see this

This way you have sourced it and it is not considered plagiarism.

But, important is the link that you show as source to be exactly where you found the picture on internet.


Is everything okay with the sources now?

Hi, it looks OK, but when I click on the source, instead of opening the site - pixabay, it downloads the picture.
I made several edits in my first comment, sorry if I mislead you.

However, the link for the first photo that you have to put between these brackets ( ) is -

The link for the second photo is -

I think I know what confused you. When you find a photo you would like to use, did you copy image address?

In this way by pasting it on your post, you only show the image, but not the source.
The source is the actual internet link.

I hope this make it a bit clearer. 😊
If you still have doubts, let me know.

Any other questions, feel free to ask. 🙂