Pacific dove — Cuculí (En/Es)

in Feathered Friends6 months ago



The Pacific Dove (locally known as Cuculí, due to its “singing”) is a species of pigeon native from the Pacific coast of South America, in particular from Peru and the north of Chile. It is smaller than the domestic pigeon. It has has different varieties, one of them have blue feathers around the eyes, however this is not the case of the specimen shown in the photos. A particular characteristic is the gray and brown color of its body feathers.


El cuculí, también conocido como paloma de alas blancas, es una especie de paloma autóctona de la costa del Pacífico de Sudamérica, concretamente de las costas del Perú y del norte de Chile. Es más pequeña que la paloma común. Presenta varias variedades, buena parte de su plumaje es gris y marrón, hay una variedad con plumas azules alrededor de los ojos. El ejemplar que muestro en estas fotos no es de ese tipo, casi todo sus plumas son grises y marrón.


The photos were taken in Antofagasta (Chile) with the camera of a Samsung Galaxy s22 Ultra using the 10x lens, which gives an equivalent focal length of 230mm in the full frame format. The post-processing was done in Gimp.

Las fotos fueron tomadas en Antofagasta con la cámara de un Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra usando el lente de 10x, que da una distancia focal equivalente a 230mm en el formato de 35 mm. La edición se efectuó en Gimp.


The photo of this post is my entry in the ”Feathered Friends — Show Me a Photo Contest Round ( #smap) 184” here. organized by @nelinoeva, this week theme is free . The rules of the contest can be read

Con esta foto estoy participando en el concurso fotográfico ”Feathered Friends — Show Me a Photo Contest Round 184” enlace. organizado por @nelinoeva, el tema de esta semana es libre. Los reglas del concurso se encuentran en este


Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope that you enjoyed the post.
Gracias por leer mi blog y espero que las fotografías hayan sido de su agrado.

Images by @nenio — All rights reserved


The photos are awesome! I am still impressed about the varieties of pigeons.

Unfortunately, in many places these minority species of doves are endangered by the common domestic pigeon.
Thanks for your comment.

This is a nice looking dove.


Wow, this pigeon is very beautiful, it tries to look at the camera to make it look more attractive.

I tried to captured that moment.
Thanks for the comment.

You're welcome.

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