Feathered Friends contest ENTRY - Crow perched on top branch

in Feathered Friends3 years ago (edited)

Hello bird lovers, this is my entry for this week's FeatheredFriends contest, with the TOP BRANCH BIRDS challenge.



It is not the first time that I have photographed a crow on the upper branch of this tree, I do not know why they like to stay there so much, contemplating the heights from that branch.




As far as I remember I never saw another bird perch on that branch, only crows, they love to climb to the top and get to play going up, down, and constantly changing position.




This tree is on the way to my house, so whenever I pass by and take my camera, I take several pictures of it, some crow on the top, the behavior of the crows never ceases to amaze me.





Graphic design and banners created by @lourdeshd6


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Crows are so clever. Nicely captured. ☺

They are one of my favorite birds. I never tire of looking at them.

Looks like a great branch! If I was a crow I would land there, too. 😁

I think that's why they stop there. That is one of the tallest trees.

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Crows are so cool! Love that you got such terrific photos of the Crow at the 'top branch' @nicanor-mosquera! 💖

Yes, they always surprise you with their behavior.