So our beloved Chi-chi popped up this morning.

in Feathered Friends4 years ago

The sun rose up from behind the mountain and life appeared in the garden.

Her name is Chi-chi and we rescued her as a baby. A great laugh was that she loved to sit on Marian's head in the house.

But of course we set her free when she was strong enough to fly and I think that she has had babies already.
I love to go out early morning to pray in the garden and to watch the first signs of life. Chi-chi doesn't visit often and it was lovely to see how Troy, our little dog interacted with her, as he follows me everywhere.
Come have a look.

A squirrel also popped up to see if I had a nut. He grabbed the nut and scampered.

Robbie the Robin also came to greet and said that Marian must bring his dried worms breakfast.

Oh oh, Troy approached and I wondered if he would chase Chi-chi.

Thankfully not, as he decided to do his own thing so peace reigned in the garden.

So yeah, never a dull moment in the garden and after prayers all I have to do is to stand still in the early morning sun, as then life starts to appear in the garden. Some mornings the Thrushes or even a Cape Spur fowl will appear and other mornings we have 5 squirrels all wanting a nut.
It is always fun to watch the little ones and their interactions with each other.
I call this just an ordinary morning and we are blessed with all of the wildlife here.
Such is life.

And That's All Friends!

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon Powershot SX60HS Bridge camera.

We hope that you have enjoyed the story and the pictures.

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Your garden is really beautiful and seems to have a lot going on. Chi chi definitely does look in good health.

Thank you and yes, the garden is a busy place.
We are so glad that she recovered after her accident as a baby and she is a cute little one.

Wow you've got a little paradise there. Is chichi some kind of a pigeon?

Oh yes, we are blessed with wildlife here. Chi-chi is a Rock Pigeon and they normally live in the mountains, but food up there is scarce and so they invaded the towns.

greetings chi-chi, your eyes are really beautiful with big circles that adorn

Chi-chi also sends her greetings to you and she is glad that you liked the make up around her eyes.

I hope Chichi finds her partner soon and has cute and beautiful children like her mother

Oh yes, I have seen Chi-chi and her husband and a surprize third one here, but when I come near they fly away. Maybe it was her youngster and I will see if I can get a photo of the three of them.

"A great laugh was that she loved to sit on Marian's head in the house"
_ Its funny line but its true .i have a pegion in my garden and she always aim our head to poo .
by the way...its lovely to see you have adorable pets.

Hahaha, she didn't poop on Marian's head as she regarded the head as her seat.
They are all wild birds here, as we don't keep pets.