What kind of chicken was this?

in Feathered Friends4 years ago

Some early morning ocean life shots to show you.

Don't look at the second photo and tell me what type of bird this was.

Marian's aunt arranged a meeting at the beachfront in a Waffle house and I left her and her aunt to sit and discuss family matters, while I popped out to take some photos. It's always kind to leave females alone to talk about things as they can speak 1000 words per minute, compared to my yes or no singular answer every three minutes hahaha.
Come and look at my shots.

He is a Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea) and he was fishing in the sea. His strike in first photo was a miss.

By now you figured that we were at the sea and a Little Egret (Egretta garzetta) came flying across my screen.

This was my first Whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus) in flight.


A White-brested Cormorant (Phalacrocorax lucidus) came in for a landing.

And of course his timing was spot on.

Finally here was a meeting at a rocky ocean restaurant, similar to Marian and her aunt's meeting and you can see how many words the two central female Grey Headed gulls (Chroicocephalus cirrocephalus) were sharing.
Their husbands were also away taking photos like me hahaha.

I still have to figure out why I am tongue tied at these family meetings. Maybe it is because I don't know the people that they are talking about and it goes something like this,

Uncle Colin was such a good man and aunty Wendy said that she is so lonely after he died, Henry said Megan must take the new pup outside to housetrain the pup and the postman hasn't been around to bring me a letter that aunty Maggie sent to me from Scotland, did you know that she lives there now?
All in one sentence and do you know any of these people?
Neither do I and that's why I can only say "yes".

So please don't blame for for being bad to leave the conversation to them, as I rather do things that I understand :)

And That's All Friends!

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon Powershot SX60HS Bridge camera.

We hope that you have enjoyed the story and the pictures.

Thank you kindly for supporting a post by @papilloncharity.


LOL did your wife read this? I wonder what she has to say. hehe

Hahaha. yes my wife read the post and fortunately she knows my humor. In fact she also laughed.

Have some !PIZZA

$PIZZA@sofs-su! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @papilloncharity.

Did you know you can now buy Rising Star packs with $PIZZA? (1/10)

Will I say you are shy for not been able to reply well to their conversation or you didn't see your vibe boosters. Actually those pictures were very neat and nice

Those family meetings are easy. Remember: he who asks, leads. For example, ask a question like this:

"Uncle Colin? GAY uncle Colin? The one with the foot fetish?"

Now lean back and enjoy the show :-)

Hahaha, newpaper headlines. "Man seen running down the Main Road chased by two women with long knives"

Best I stick to photography my friend.

Have some !PIZZA

$PIZZA@wulff-media! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @papilloncharity.

Did you know Pizzabot speaks Spanish if you use the command ESPIZZA? (4/10)

very beautiful place with great photography

Thank you.

Amazing!! I was there this afternoon taking pictures of the sunset. It was something special.

Yes, you sunset shots was great and also your gardening efforts.

Thank you so much! The last three days were absolutely stunning days.

So great to see a variety of birds in the ocean @papilloncharity, we have seagulls, little black sea birds, and kites cockatoos (black and white) on the land and in the trees. This is why I love Hive, there is so much to learn from everyone.

Little black seabirds? Kites I know, cockatoos and gulls I know but not the little black seabirds 🙂
Only joking and yes we all can learn a lot in Hive my friend.

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