Feathered Friends-SMAP Contest Round 157~Two Sad Parents.

Every morning, few birds whose eye shone with dull tears would sit on a wall of a school where their trembling chirp would never left and its sound hated blazed the empty playground. The bright color of their happiness contained sad tears of grief, their eyes stared at me like a badly stung animal, and the expression on their face was extremely painful to watchThis stunt is the end point of the hopeless effort. A sunset over the bloodthirsty edge of a murderous cliff which had spilled their most cherished little ones on the bottom of the well. The birds have never felt more miserable, than that moment when they haven't felt useful or talented. And it is at that time that the two birds form a relationship, as if the same cold, hard surface of the school's wall that was their home for a long time.

Students' wailing was the only that could get the students' and the teachers' hearts. Some will not care about it but of course us, the audience will cherish it. However, anasthesia brought peace to every parent mourner who was brokenhearted.

Nevertheless, it was from that black hole of despair that a tiny dot of light has emerged. The two birds progressed day by day, exceeding their own limits of survival by finding a soul fulfillment through companionship and the inexhaustible power of their love mutually locked together. The two animals had the mission to maintain the new nest they had built with the beginning of the new season and this always echoed with the cheeps emitted by the young ones as they came into the world. Nevertheless, it was their memories of those who were lost which they held in their hearts on the day of peace that comes after conflict and war.


That is really an interesting way to tell what you see and feel.

Thank you for such kind words @nelinoeva 💘