Feathered Friday - Cold Sightings

in Feathered Friends3 months ago

The birds are still around for this #featheredfriday

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The lake was quite cold but not frozen over yet. I saw a lone great blue heron wading across looking for some bluegill.

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I snuck over to the other side and managed to get close without it flying off. I waited a while to see if it could catch anything.

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Instead it looked at me and stopped fishing. So I decided to look elsewhere for birds.

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We have a fake tree here in the park to commemorate something historical. This poor downy woodpecker thought it found a perfect tree to go pecking for insects. Now it has a bewildered look on its face as it is on a fiberglass shaped tree that is impervious to its pecks.

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Meanwhile the Canadian geese's necks are growing shorter.

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The shorter the neck the more cold it is outside. They are kind of like a thermometer based on neck length.

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This side of the lake was super cold from wind chill so these guys had the shortest necks.

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Now they are swimming over to the less windy side with their necks slowly stretching out again.

Sadly winter is here again so not much more birds for the year unless I can find a good feeder to see the usual winter birds feed. That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)


Nice and warm here.

Ha my wife and daughter were watching a documentary about vultures yesterday with their entire heads inside the carcass of a dead hippo all covered in flies. Pretty terrible, lions don't even eat those things.

Is that goose neck thing real or were you making that up on the fly?

Made it up on the fly but from a few winters of observation.

What a beautiful collection of bird photographs
How great that you were able to get close to this beautiful heron and take beautiful shots
I love the reflection shots
Have a beautiful weekendGood morning dear friend @sketch.and.jam

I wish he had caught a fish for a nice action photo, its a bit rare to happen though.