Feathered Friday - Mostly Red-Wings and Finally a Loon

in Feathered Friends5 months ago

Here are some of this week's sightings for this #featheredfriday

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Red-winged blackbirds are easy targets. They are always posturing and will often attack you to get out of their territory.

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They are quite noisy so its easy to locate them. Basically around any wetland they will be hanging around.

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You can easily get close to them and they won't fly away.

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I often resort to taking photos of these guys when other birds aren't around.

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The female red-wings are easy to find too but they often are hiding out in the reeds out of sight.

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A coot is a bit of a rare sight around the lake that I walk around almost every day. It must be visiting or passing through to warmer areas.

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Finally a rare sight indeed. A loon!
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I was only able to get a couple shots before it dove under and disappeared far on the opposite side of the lake. I wish these guys would hang out here more often but our lake is a bit too small for their preferences.

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As usual the house sparrows are always around.
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As the sun was setting I found this guy in the crevice of a large poplar tree.

The only action shot I got was this seagull eating a bluegill. I'm surprised it wasn't just raiding the trash can for chips.

That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)


Cool shots 👍 love the loon 🙂 maybe its one of the babies from my part of the world looking for warmer weather. I haven't seen them on the lake lately. When I was in California, coots would stay around all year. Great sightings.

The coots and loons in Arizona loved the golf courses. Here I think they like the more wild lake areas. It is a rare occasion to see them in the neighborhood lake, maybe they get driven out by the Canadian geese.

I love redwings and your shots are wonderful!

The redwings are pretty fun, especially when they are nesting. They get extra dive bombish around that time.

What a beautiful collection of bird photographs you show us on this occasion. Blackbirds are beautiful birds, I appreciate that you have shared all this information about them.
Have a beautiful weekend!Good morning dear friend @sketch.and.jam how are you?

This year I managed to briefly grab hold of one as it was trying to peck my head. Maybe next year I will actually catch one mid-air lol.

All the bird pictures that you show are very beautiful, they each have their own charm

The lake at this time of year is nice and active with birds. Many are aleready flying to warmer areas.

That loon is beautiful. I've viewed some videos of those blackbirds going berserk mode with some people, would love to see them live! :)

Everyone has been pecked at least once by our lake who regularly walks there lol. But they are a super easy subject to photograph.

Eheheheh would love to see them in action!