Feathered Friday - Return of The Angry Birds

in Feathered Friends11 months ago

Here are some mean birds for this #featheredfriday

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The mean red-winged blackbirds are back staking territories at the lake.

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For now they are not dive bombing anyone but once they establish nests the males will be pecking at your head when you walk by.
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They could care less if you get near them. They are quite brazen.
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When they aren't fighting humans or dogs in their territory, they are fighting with eachother. Some epic fights can be seen especially when they are trying to pair up.

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By contrast here is a nice robing just looking for worms in the shade. Quite tame and they will only attack you if you go near their chicks when they leave the nest. My wife learned this the hard way lol.

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Meanwhile in goosedom there is an epic fight about to go down...

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Lots of honking is happening mid-air as they fly towards another group of geese.

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You can see this one honking as loud as possible while splashing down.

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It doesn't seem to like these other ones here and starts rushing at them trying to bite them. Perhaps they are also fighting for territory. Spring will do strange things to birds.

That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)


Beautiful shots👍

Thanks :-) the birds were nice and active this time.

Nice shots 👍 we are catching up. Some blackbirds around, plenty of robins, geese around too. But snow coming tonight.

Today started a big snow here too, poor birds are gonna have to put their fighting ways on ice. I think the seasons in the north are just generally getting pushed farther out into the year.

Like always,you gave the amazing photos.. Thanx..