I was taking some sunset tree photos for #treetuesday by @old-guy-photos but ran into some interesting birds along the way.
On my long walk with the zoom lens the sun started to go down below the tree line.
Before I knew it the moon was shining bright and all the trees turned into silhouettes.
Then I noticed a tree getting filled up with robins flying in from all directions.
I wonder if this is just a meeting place or if they will actually sleep in this tree all night.
Here they are catching a tiny bit of sunlight left from the sunset colors in the clouds.
The little guys were making robin night sounds.
I wish the starlings had cooperated earlier when the sun was out but they decided to fly off before I could get better photos.
Ooohhh, I've been catching shots of birds in a patch of bare branches nearby recently... something like these here! I should post them I guess even if they are more just silhouettes of bird shapes. And I caught some monkeys too... who actually do sleep the whole night there! :) I enjoyed these - thank you!
A sleeping monkey with a bird on his shoulder silhouette would be amazing. For #featheredfriday I'll try and post the sandhill cranes I saw flying overhead on this walk.
Hahaha, no such luck! It's either birds or monkeys. They seem to respect each other's privacy... ;)
The monkeys stay the whole evening and overnight though. And they usually arrive early when there's a great sunset! Then stay over... Will look out for your cranes ;)
Even the monkeys don't like bird poop on their shoulders :-)
A tree filled with robins is a beautiful sight.
Maybe I'll see if they hang out there in the morning so I can get them in the light.
They are like night fruit on a tree :Р
Too bad they weren't partridges in a pear tree :-)
...or fried hazel grouses LOL
That recipe sounds amazing, though these robins don't have enough meat on them.
But what will the smell be . lol