Bufflehead duck and a winter halo on a full moon

in Feathered Friends3 months ago (edited)

The last few days have been quite cold, and it seems that certain animals are now showing up this time of year. A lone duck is on the pond and has it all to itself. I also spot a bird up on the power line, and saw a very special atmospheric optical phenomenon called winter halo. Caused by cold weather and the moon light. I love full moons, so it was really cool to see such a time during this time.

Camera ModelLumix GH6
LensG Series 100-300mm F4.0-5.6 Lens
Shutter Speed1/640 sec
Film Speed320
SpectrumVisual Light
Wavelength380 through 700 nanometers
LocationCentral Virginia USA.

I have seen these kinds of ducks here before, they do not stick around long. I would be surprised if I saw it for a few days.

It just showed up this morning, so we shall see how long it hang out for. I guess it depends on how well fishing is for it.

I like its iridescent plumage, I had no idea it had that until I saw it up close with my zoom lens.

The duck would dive once in awhile, and stay under for about 10 seconds. Sometimes showing up a good 50 feet away from where it started diving from.

Seems like it had its whole day planned out, it was diving and swimming all around.

At one point it just starts swimming all the way across the pond. Maybe it can sense something.

It was really booking it across the pond.

Amazing that duck swims through these waters, they are nearly frozen.

It was very cold outside, the banks of the pond were still frozen from the night before.

Spotted a little bird hanging out on the power line near by. It was not facing me and the sun was not in the best position. Its some kind of blue bird.

It was probably looking for something to eat in the grass below.

Not sure what species of bird it is, but I see those kind often.

The night before we witnessed something never seen before, a natural phenomenon called winter halo, or storm ring or moon ring. Causing a ring to form around the moon. It was a full moon so maybe things just timed perfectly. We can also see a jet flying over at the same time. Due to the full moon its completely illuminated. And still we could see many stars all around. Pretty cool sight.



I've seen the moon halo before ... it's a pretty cool phenomenon

Oh nice, was my first time seeing one.

The Winter halo is really very beautiful, your camera captured it perfectly along with the rippling effects.
That lone duck is having a great time of its life 😁

It was quite the cool sight.. hehe it was.

"That's truly amazing! The beauty of a winter halo and the full moon is always mesmerizing. Moments like these make it feel like time stands still."

The duck is really enjoying the water. I would love to see a moon ring someday

The pond looks like molten gold, it's really beautiful.

The duck is really very agile in swimming, yes, I really really like it and sometimes yesterday I wanted to make a video but I didn't have time because it was dark

Seems like the duck is enjoying the waters from all the winter stress it pass through

Hah I think so, I guess the ponds here a little warmer.

Yes that is why she is swimming so elegant 😀

Almost like a shower of some diamonds, the winter halo, along with the moon's reflection gives the pond a beautiful look.

It sure was cool seeing it all

Good evening my brother
You managed to photograph the birds very well, you did a great job♥️

Thanks much.. good birds for subjects of the photography.

You are welcome, my brother ,Keep up the good work 💪♥️

I have also seen this ring thing around the moon and it looks beautiful.

Nice, it was pretty amazing to see.. glad to hear others have seen it as well.

I have never seen a bufflehead duck in the wild, that is awesome! Even when I live back east not one time... Great pictures, that thing was a speed demon crossing the pond!

The moon halo is really cool. I've heard it called a moon dog before, although I have no idea what the proper name is. That picture is awesome, well done!

They seem to be more rare than the other ducks.. just passing through on their migration I think.

Oh cool.. yeah it was quite the sight.

I never seen Winter Halo in real life. Great job capturing it.

Oh well hope you get to see one eventually.. thank you.

The photography is really great.In fact, there is nothing better than the beauty of nature. Everyone will love this photography. thanks for sharing this lovely photography 🤩

Ah glad you liked it.

This duck is very beautiful my friend, in my place it is very rare to find ducks of this color, is it true that this duck eats the fish in the pond? A little unique to me if ducks like to eat fish too😊
I'm also not sure this duck can survive long in a pond with very cold weather in your area.
You also managed to capture one of the little birds that was on one of the power lines. a powerful shot that is usually my friend.

I am guessing they eat fish when they dive, but not completely sure.

Sure is a good lens.

I also have such a prejudice, because it is strange that the type of duck likes to catch fish to eat 😊😊

What a cute little dude. The only duck around? lol that little video is the best.

Hehe yeah, just him.. the whole pond to himself.

Beautiful photos. This time the ducks are swimming happily. I guess they didn't see you :)

Hah yeah or it did not care as much.. maybe it was a brave duck...lol

Quite interesting about the winter halo, I've seen something like that but in the daytime, I don't know what it's called, but I saw it in the daytime, and that duck has a good ability to dive and get its food.

I did not know you could see them during the day, very cool.. that must have been quite the sight.

Sure do, amazing they dive for so long.

I love some of your shooting results this time especially on this beautiful and cute duck, and the phenomenon of the ring circle on the moon is indeed very beautiful 😍

Ah glad you loved the photography.. they were some good captures.

I really like your photography this time. 👍

Es lo que yo digo, tú lago es esencial para el ambiente natural donde vives @solominer tienes buen ecosistema de aves 🐦 en el lugar. No te ataquen a las cosechas ?? Porque a mi a veces me lastiman algunas plantas los gorriones !!

Saludos bro excelentes fotos !! 👌😉🙏🏻

It is quite the ecosystem.. so far birds have only been a problem for my blackberries.. they tend to get to them before they fully ripen but besides that not too much trouble.

Truth that for me in the pollinations of cacti 🌵 is fatal, the Sparrows 🐦 eat all the seeds and I have to be covering with meshes.. to avoid it. 🫤How good @solominer because the

Verdad que para mi en las polinizaciones de los cactus 🌵 es fatal, los Gorriones 🐦 se comen todas las semillas y tengo que estar tapando con mallas.. para evitarlo. 🫤Que bueno @solominer porque la

Wow! You really did a great job capturing these unique moments.

Never seen or heard of a winter halo before. Guess I've learned something new from reading your post.

Thank you.. it was all new to me as well.. Though I have heard of it just never seen it.

Glad you learned something new from my post.

I don't know how that duck did swimming in near-freezing water, but you can tell he was enjoying it. Amazing things in nature 👍🏻

Yeah it would seem so, I guess it comes from places up north where it gets even colder.

I see you've had some lovely visits from your feathered friends, beautiful birds
How great that you saw the Linar halo
Excellent shots dear friend @solominer

Thanks, indeed I have.

Glad you liked them....

Its amazing how the little cute bird float on a water💕

Sure was love the wild life that visits the pond.

My husband says your duck is a hooded merganser and he said they are diving ducks, he also said it is a drake, (male duck).

We see this ring around the moon down here. When I was young I remember one of the old timers saying when you see the ring, shrimping is will be good.

Oh okay, I looked at the hooded merganser but it does not seem to have an iridescent coat color to it.

Good to know.

I just "wasted" an hour looking at lenses that I can't afford to buy. Thanks!

I also didn't know you had a witness - I might be blind. Anyway, it was brought to my attention today, so I added my support.

I feel ya, got this lens during this years cyber monday sale. Still cost a few hundred dollars.

Thought about getting the lens with more zoom but it was approaching $1000 if not more, so I will hold off for a time before I consider getting those.

Yep, been running one for about 2 months now. Nice, thank you very much for your witness vote.

I like the photos of the bird resting on the wiring with that touch of backlighting and a more minomalistic look to the composition.

Ah thanks, glad I included the bird on the wire in my post. I was thinking about leaving it out, but glad others found it interesting.

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Some say , seeing the moon looks like that means there is a big natural calamity coming. I hope it will not happen.

Oh.. the duck really enjoying its "Me" time.😁

Ah well we keep thinking snow is around the corner, so maybe a big snow storm is on the way for us.

Hehe it is...

Oh.. keep safe..😊😊