featured bird round 204 "A common Raven"

There’s something about ravens that has always fascinated me, Maybe it’s their glossy black feathers that shimmer in the light or the way they move graceful yet calculated as if they know more than they let on These birds are more than just scavengers they are among the most intelligent creatures in the animal kingdom, I remember the first time I saw a raven up close It wasn’t just its size that caught my attention but the way it watched me It wasn’t like other birds that flutter away at the slightest movement This one stood its ground tilting its head as if it were trying to figure me out That’s when I realized ravens aren’t just reacting to their surroundings they’re analyzing them, Their intelligence is astonishing Studies have shown that ravens can solve complex problems, plan for the future and even use tools funny enough They can mimic sounds including human speech and some have even been observed playing games just for fun.But what makes ravens even more interesting to me is how deeply they are woven into human history In many cultures they are seen as messengers, symbols of wisdom or even omens of change

but guess what Beyond their intelligence and symbolism ravens are survivors They eat almost anything from small animals to fruits and even scraps left behind by humans. Their adaptability has allowed them to thrive in both the wild and cities making them one of the most widespread bird species in the world.