Very cool series of pics. Even in black and white, you've captured some action pictures of just how resourceful birds can be. You may know that we have a Black Walnut tree plantation on the farm. In the past, the trees produced hundreds upon hundreds of walnuts every year. You've got to be on your toes though when it's time to harvest, if you aren't the squirrels and birds can make them disappear in a few days.
This year the Walnut trees produced zero walnuts, very strange, but it's impossible to predict how Mother Nature will behave from year to year.
I am glad you like my photos. 🙂
I remember that post where you had a bucket on your head while the wlanuts were falling down from the tree. It was the walnut tree, wasn't it?
This is really amazing how much you've got before and nothing this year.
The photo you remember still makes me laugh, but the bucket on the old head worked great!
Yes, that was a Walnut tree for sure.
Not only did we get zero Walnuts, but the pine cones that the squirrels so loved were also non-existent, go figure.