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RE: Thanks to everyone who helps the Feathered Friends Community grow!

Yes, very possibly so! Most of the time, I use a service that doesn't allow me to see the keys, but they're given directly to the person I am on-boarding. A couple of times, I was given the keys, as well, though, same as you! 🙂


!ENGAGE 50Changing the keys AND password 😊 is a great security precaution. I am glad that @eolianpariah did that. Especially as I see how quickly his account is growing!

@eolianpariah should double-check that he has all of his keys copied and secured, preferably on a thumb-drive or in a Password Manager app. He can verify his keys on HIVE.BLOG with the following steps shown:


OR, using PEAKD intead:


Again thanks so much! @thekittygirl You have devoted a lot of time explaining various things to me today! 😘 And I successfully got my DOGE transfered, too!

thanks a lot @the kitty girl. i will check that out. i was recommended at the beginning to change my password by the standard info given when i started ecency. i changed the password on my page with blog, communities, and wallet. under settings where i made my profile there is a change password button and on that button is an image of a key. the password was generated automatically, not something i made up.

In another comment on this post, I shared screenshots from both HIVE.BLOG and PEAKD (two other ways of viewing the Hive blockchain besides via ECENCY). Both of those sites will allow you to see all of your Keys (Owner, Active, Posting, and Memo). I would advise doing that and save them to a thumb-drive or a Password Manager app. Just having your Master Password is NOT enough, as you might need one of those other keys in the future! Better to be safe now than sorry later! 🙂

click here to see the comment with the screenshots:

@good-karma I believe this is where the confusing wording was at.

on another matter i powered up the few hive i had yesterday just hours before it shot up 50%. now my account is very modest so it didn't amount to much in dollars but next time i will check on hivestats to help with timing.just to finish this matter from my side, i followed the recommendations of @thekittygirl the pages she screenshot were different from the ones available from my page but after some resolute searching i came to a page that had all the info she described. i have now safely stored all 4 keys, owner, active, posting and memo. as of now the memo key is not is use for us all. i would mention that when i changed my password my hivesigner password stopped working so i had to import the account and make a new password. so now everything seems to be fine and i am much more informed.

So glad to hear you have all of your keys safely stored again! 😃

thanks to you. i had no idea there were 4 different keys. i am 100% sure they were never shown to me since i joined ecency in december 2020. i would guess there are many users unaware of them.

thanks @melinda010100. sorry to drag you into this. it's a bit mind boggling

I appreciate that you asked. I learned new things too, and hopefully anyone else who reads this will understand more, too!

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